Page 106 - Chinese Art Paris Auction Christie's December 2017
P. 106

■ ~118
         CHINE, 1933-1934
         Encre et couleur sur papier.                             1933至1934年 溥伒、溥佺、溥儒、啟功等 山水人物畫十二扇桌屏
         Reposant sur un socle en bois sculpté, il comprend dix peintures et
         deux calligraphies encadrées.                            來源:前南斯拉夫著名公共衛生學家鮑謙熙(Borislav Borcic)舊
         Le premier panneau de calligraphie porte la date de novembre 1934   藏,曾於1920年代末至1930年代擔任國際聯盟衛生組織專家並
         et la signature de Liu Ruiheng (1890-1961) avec son cachet. Le dernier   多次訪華
         panneau est orné d’une calligraphie dédicacée à Bao Qianxi (Dr.
         Berislav Borcic).
         Les dix peintures sont signées dans l’ordre: Yang Xiaogu (XXème
         siècle), Huang Yingyuan (1887-?), Ye Yangxi (1901-1983), Qi Gong  PROVENANCE
         (1912-2005), Qi Kun (1894-1940), Guan Heyong (XXème siècle), Pu   Collection of Dr. Berislav Borcic (1891-1977), the Yogoslav Public
         Quan (1913-1992), Wanyan Hengyong (1881-1965), Pu Ru (1896-1963)   Health specialist who worked in China as League of Nations Health
         et Pu Jin (1893-1966).                                   consultant in the late 1920s to 1930s.
         Dimensions d’un panneau: 36,5 x 12,2 cm. (14¡ x 4æ in.)
         Largeur totale: 131,5 cm. (51æ in.)                      The  Songfeng  huahui, or Pine Breeze Painting Society, was
                                                                  formed in 1925 by a small circle of members who were all related
         €20,000-30,000                   $24,000-35,000
                                          £18,000-27,000          either to the imperial family or the court of the Qing dynasty. Mainly
                                                                  led by Pu Jin, the members gathered regularly to paint and exchange
                                                                  about the arts. Characterized by the freshness and meticulousness
                                                                  of  the  modern  Gongbi  style, artists such as Pu Quan, Pu Zuo, Pu
         CHINA, 1933-1934
         INK AND COLOUR ON PAPER                                  Ru, Guan Heyong, Qi Jingxi and Qi Gong were part of the most
                                                                  emblematic fgures of this elite group.

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