Page 33 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 33

2057                             銅鎏金無量壽佛坐蓮像                                                                          2058                             2059                             銅鎏金嵌玉石綠度母坐蓮像
         EXTRAORDINARY FIGURE             西藏   17/18世紀或更早                                                                     PADMASAMBHAVA.                   ELEGANT FIGURE OF GREEN TARA.    西藏   17/18世紀   高10cm/重295g
         OF BUDDHA AMITAYUS.              通高12.5cm/像高9.2cm/重451g                                                              PADMASAMBHAVA.                   ELEGANTE FIGUR DER GRÜNEN TARA.   綠度母菩薩裝坐在雙層蓮花台上,雙腳屈
         AUßERGEWÖHNLICHE FIGUR           尊像作沉思狀,全跏趺坐於仰覆式束腰蓮                                                                  Tibet. 17th/18th c.              Tibet. 17th/18th c.              左展右,右腳踏在一朵蓮花上。右手向外
         DES BUDDHA AMITAYUS.             座,雙手於腹前結禪定印,托長壽瓶。蓮                                                                                                                                    置於膝前,作施願印。
         Tibet. 17th/18th c. or earlier.   座上下緣飾細密聯珠紋。蓮座由薄質鎏金                                                                 Copper bronze with fire gilding and   Copper bronze with fire gilding and inlaid   左手置於胸前作三寶印。左右手各拈的兩
                                          銅製成,與尊像不為原配,封底,可能有                                                                  inlaid stones. Guru Rinpoche sitting in   jade stones. The ‘Green Liberator’ sits in   朵蓮花延伸至雙肩。底座可能為原封,刻
         Light bronze with residue of fire gilding   裝藏。品相等級B,長壽瓶折斷、之後復                                                        kingly attire at ease. In this pose, he is   an elegant pose, her right foot rests in   花卉紋,內有裝藏。品相等級A/B。
         and cultic painting. The Buddha of   位安裝,粘膠殘留痕跡,尊像上身擰曲。                                                              depicted less often. Unlike his usual sitting   typical manner on a single lotus flower.   來源:埃米爾巴爾(1907-2008年)先生
         Longevity sitting in devout posture in   來源:埃米爾巴爾(1907-2008年)先生                                                     posture with locked legs, where he holds   Her large earrings decorated with dark   私人舊藏。1970至90年代於當地購入。
         padmasana. Both hands rest in dhyana   私人舊藏。1970至90年代於當地購入。                                                          the vajra in front of his chest, the hand   green jade. In addition to the masterly
         mudra in his lap and hold the Amrita                                                                                 with the vajra scepter now rests on his   execution of the figure, the valuable stone   € 2.500 – 3.500 | $ 2.775 – 3.885
         vessel.                          € 3.000 – 4.000 | $ 3.330 – 4.440                                                   right knee. In his left hand the long - life   also shows the exceptional worship of
                                                                                                                              vase. On the back of the lotus base the   the Green Tara. The pedestal is probably
         The double lotus base made of thin                                                                                   mantra ‘Oh mani padme hum’. Base   originally sealed and ritually filled. Weight
         gilded copper bronze did not originally                                                                              closed and ritually filled. Weight 275g,   295g, Height 10cm. Condition A/B.
         belong to the figure. However, like the                                                                               Height 10.2cm. Condition A/B.
         figure it is designed in an elegant manner                                                                                                             Provenance:
         and therefore complements it in an                                                                                   Provenance:                       - Collection Emil Ball (1907 - 2008).
         appropriate way. Base closed and possibly                                                                             - Collection Emil Ball (1907 - 2008).   Acquired locally in the 1970s - 90s.
         ritually filled. Weight 451g, Height 9.2cm,                                                                           Acquired locally in the 1970s - 90s.
         with pedestal 12.5cm. Condition B.
         Amrita vessel broken off, reattached.                                                                                銅鎏金蓮花生坐蓮像
         Residue of glue. Upper body bent.                                                                                    西藏   17/18世紀   高10.2cm/重275g
         Provenance:                                                                                                          面刻有日月同輝紋飾,帽式為寧瑪派高
          - Collection Emil Ball (1907 - 2008).                                                                               級喇嘛專屬。面容飽滿,怒目直視,左
         Acquired locally in the 1970s - 90s.                                                                                 手橫置腹前托嘎巴拉碗,內有長壽寶瓶,
                                                                                                                              坐於單層蓮座。座背面一行咒語‘Oh mani
                                                                                                                              padme hum‘,封底,內有裝藏。品相等

                                                                                                                              € 1.800 – 2.200 | $ 1.998 – 2.442



         Collection Emil Ball
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