Page 30 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 30

2048                             Provenance:                                                                         2050
         RARE SHEET WITH A FIGHTING SCENE.   - Rhenish private collection.                                                    FOUR WOODBLOCK PRINTS IN
         SELTENES BLATT MIT KAMPFSZENE.   Old collection no.                                                                  TWO BOOKLETS WITH LADIES
         China. Qing dynasty. 17th/18th c.                                                                                    AND PLAYING BOYS.
         Title: Fairy Daji fighting against   罕見姑蘇戲出版畫《妲姬妖困黃飛虎》                                                                VIER HOLZSCHNITTE IN ZWEI
         Huang Feihu.                     清   17/18世紀                                                                         HEFTEN MIT DAMEN UND
                                          木刻多色套印,豎版60.5x29.5cm,                                                               SPIELENDEN KNABEN.
         Color woodblock print, backed. Scene   裝貼。取材明代神妖小說《封神演義》,                                                            China. Qing dynasty. 17th/18th c.
         from the novel ‘Investiture of the Gods’:   刻畫九尾狐狸精妲姬攜九頭雉雞精狐喜妹
         The nine - tailed fox fairy Daji fights   大戰商朝武將黃飛虎的場景。右下方畫店                                                          Color woodblock print, backed. Each
         together with her sister Hu Ximei, a   刊記:姑蘇呂君翰發行。                                                                   from a four - part print (quadrichon).
         nine - headed pheasant spirit, against the   品相等級B,褪色、摺痕、霉斑。                                                         First booklet: a) Left quarter. 54.5x30cm.
         Shang dynasty general Huang Feihu.   來源:德國萊茵地區私人舊藏。                                                                  b) Middle part. 58.5x30cm. Second
         Right below publisher stamp: (published   注有收藏編號。                                                                    booklet: c) Right quarter. 56x30cm.
         by Lü Junhan from Gusu). 60.5x29.5cm.   呂君翰為呂天植長子。                                                                   d) Middle part. 58x30cm.
         Condition B. Yellowed. Folds. Foxing.                                                                                Condition B. Folded. Foxing.
                                          € 400 – 600 | $ 444 – 666
                                                                                                                               - Rhenish private collection.
                                                                                                                              Old collection no.

                                                                                                                              清   17/18世紀
                                                                                                                              冊一:a) 左邊幅,54.5x30cm。
                                                                                                                              b) 中間幅,58.5x30cm。
                                                                                                                              冊二:c) 右邊幅,56x30cm。
                                                                                                                              d)中間幅,58x30cm。                   from 2050
                                                                           2048                                               注有收藏編號。                                                           2051
                                                                                                                                                                                                THREE COLORED WOODBLOCK
                                                                                                                              € 1.200 – 1.600 | $ 1.332 – 1.776                                 PRINTS WITH DOOR GODS RESP.
                                                                                                                                                                                                A MOTHER WITH BOY.
                                                                                                                                                                                                DREI COLORIERTE HOLZSCHNITTE MIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                TÜRGÖTTERN BZW. EINER MUTTER
                                                                                                                                                                                                MIT SOHN.
                                                                                                                                                                                                China. Qing dynasty. 18th c. or later.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Woodblock print in black, elaborately
                                                                                                                                                                                                colored with pigments and lead
                                                                                                                                                                                                white. Two left - sided door guards
                                          2049                                                                                                                                                  (probably Wei Zheng or Weichi Gong).
                                          SINGLE SHEET WITH A FAN PICTURE                                                                                                                       32x56cm/31x59cm. Large New
                                          AND THEATER SCENE.                                                                                                                                    Year picture (Title: Happiness).
                                          EINZELBLATT MIT FÄCHERBILD UND                                                                                                                        110x50cm. Condition B/C. Damaged.
                                          THEATERSZENE.                                                                                                                                         Brittle, on the back partly glued.
                                          China. Qing dynasty. 17th/18th c.
                                          Title: Jade Hairpin.                                                                                                                                  Provenance:
                                                                           姑蘇戲出版畫《玉簪》                                                                                                            - Rhenish private collection.
                                          Color woodblock print. In the upper third   清   17/18世紀
                                          a fan picture with calligraphy. Below   木刻多色套印,豎版71.5x30cm,未裝                                                                                         門神兩幅及年畫一幅(共三幅)
                                          scene from Gao Lian’s Ming dynasty   貼。上部為扇面圖,行書宋代潘牥《蘭花                                                                                              清   18世紀或晚期
                                          play “Jade Hair Pin”: On the shore   其一》中兩句詩句「聞名久向騷經內,識                                                                                               木刻墨線版畫,手工彩繪。左側武
                                          Chen Miaochang, dressed in Daoist   面翻從要服中。等是海山閒草木,東皇一                                                                                                門神(可能為魏徵與尉遲恭)各一
                                          robes, bidding goodbye to her lover Pan   顧便春風」,落款「元康」。下部大幅畫                                                                                          幅,32x56cm/31x59cm。大幅豎裁版年
                                          Bizheng, who is on his way to the state   面,取材明代高濂創作的傳奇戲劇《玉簪                                                                                          畫:年輕母親端坐花几旁,前面一童子手
                                          exam. Her ferryman is waiting in the boat.   記》之江畔話別:書生潘必正赴京趕考,                                                                                       中握線,線一端系飛起的小鳥,題為《歡
                                          71.5x30cm. Condition B. Foxing. Folds.   道姑陳妙常顧船追至江邊,互道別情。                                                                                            樂》,110x50cm。
                                          Small hole.                      品相等級B,霉斑、摺痕、一洞破損。                                                                                                    品相等級B/C,多處破損、易損,背面局
                                                                           來源:德國萊茵地區私人舊藏。                                                                                                       部粘貼修復。
                                          Provenance:                      注有收藏編號。                                                                                                              來源:德國萊茵地區私人舊藏。
                                           - Rhenish private collection.
                                          Old collection no.               € 300 – 500 | $ 333 – 555                                                                                            € 300 – 500 | $ 333 – 555
         2049                                                                                                              2051

         Private Rhenish Collection
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