Page 31 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 31

2052                                                                                                                 2054
         BOOKLET WITH TWO RARE                                                                                                GATHERING IN THE
         WOODBLOCK PRINTS.                                                                                                    PLUM BLOSSOM STUDIO.
         HEFT MIT ZWEI SELTENEN                                                                                               ZUSAMMENKUNFT IM ATELIER
         HOLZSCHNITTEN.                                                                                                       DER PFIRSICHBLÜTEN.
         China. Qing dynasty. 17th/18th c.                                                                                    China. Qing dynasty. 17th/18th c.
                                                                                                                              Title: Meeting of the elite – Tang Yin and
         Color woodblock print, backed.                                                                                       his friends.
         a) Title: Reception of the God of
         WealtH. Below right a stamp: Gusu Lü                                                                                 Color woodblock print. In an estate with
         Tianzhi faxing. Fanke jisun (published by                                                                            a forecourt, the Ming dynasty poet Tang
         Lü Tianzhi from Gusu. Reprint forbidden).                                                                            Yin is meeting his friends for the pleasures
         59.5x39.5cm.                                                                                                         of scholars. 55x36.5cm. Lower left
         b) Title: Xue Rengui shooting down the                                                                               publisher stamp. (published by Wang Xin
         (three) flying swords with his blessed                                                                                from Gusu). Condition B. Bleached, a bit
         arrows. Below left stamp. (published by Lü                                                                           folded. Stripes, maybe a misprint.
         Tianzhi, the son of Lü Yuntai from Gusu).
         61x40cm. Condition B. Light folding.                                                                                 Provenance:
         Water margins.                                                                                                        - Rhenish private collection.
         Provenance:                      from 2052                                                                           姑蘇版畫《唐解元才子會文》
          - Rhenish private collection.                                                                                       清   17/18世紀                      2054
          Old collection no.                                                                                                  木刻多色套印,橫版55x36.5cm,未裝
         珍稀姑蘇版畫兩幅                                                                                                             圍棋對弈、讀書研畫、飲茶作詩、賞花怡
         清   17/18世紀                                                                                                          情。左下方畫店刊印:姑蘇汪信發行。品
         木刻多色套印,橫版,裝貼。a)《迎接財                                                                                                  相等級B,少許褪色、輕微摺痕,中央一
         神》59.5x39.5cm。財帛大將身著戎裝,由                                                                                             道空白線,疑似錯版。
         四大天王及其他眾人護駕,乘二層樓船駕                                                                                                   來源:德國萊茵地區私人舊藏。
         禮相迎,水中各路靈怪紛紛獻寶。右下方                                                                                                   € 500 – 700 | $ 555 – 777
         畫店刊印:姑蘇呂天植發行翻刻即孫。b)                                               2053                                                                                                                 2055
         《薛仁貴神箭射飛刀》61x40cm。戲出題                                             RARE PRINT WITH THE SIGHT                                                                                            FIVE BOOKLETS WITH PACKING PAPER
         材取自元代無名氏的雜劇《飛刀對箭》,表                                               OF JINSHAN.                                                                                                          FOR TEA AND A SINGLE SHEET.
         現唐朝將軍薛仁貴在邊境與官封摩利支的                                                SELTENES BLATT MIT DER ANSICHT                                                                                       FÜNF HEFTE MIT PACKPAPIEREN FÜR
         高麗大將蓋蘇文交戰,猶借神力三箭射落                                                VON JINSHAN.                                                                                                         TEE UND EIN EINZELBLATT.
         摩利支三口飛刀,此戰大獲全勝。左下方                                                China. Qing dynasty. 17th/18th c.                                                                                    China. Qing dynasty. 18th/19th c.
         畫店刊印:姑蘇呂雲台之子呂天植發行。                                                Title: New sight of Jinshan after the
         品相等級B,輕微摺痕、水漬。                                                    rebuilding.                                                                                                          Color prints on paper made of bamboo
         來源:德國萊茵地區私人舊藏。注有收藏                                                                                                                                                                     or mulberry tree, partly handwritten with
         編號。                                                               Color wood block print. In the center of                                                                             ink. Approx. 16 wrapping papers for
                                                                           the panorama the Chan Buddhist Jinshan                                                                               selection tea. Various stamps of teashops.
         € 1.000 – 1.500 | $ 1.110 – 1.665                                 Temple, built on a rock in the Yangtze                                                                               Differentsizes. Some backed. Booklet
                                                                           River. 54x36cm. Lower left publisher                                                                                 each ca. 44x32cm. Single sheet: Double
                                                                           stamp. (published by Wang Xin from                                                                                   page from a medical book. 29x25.5cm.
                                                                           Gusu). Condition B. A bit bleached.                                                                                  Condition B. Some damages, dirty.
                                                                           Holes. Some foxing at the margin. Stripes,
                                                                           maybe a misprint.                                                                                                    Provenance:
                                                                                                                                                                                                 - Rhenish private collection.
                                                                           Provenance:                                                                                                          Old collection no.
                                                                            - Rhenish private collection.
                                                                           珍稀姑蘇勝景版畫《金山新建勝景》                                                                                                     清   18/19世紀
                                                                           清   17/18世紀                                                                                                          約16張茶餅及揀選散茶葉包裝紙,系竹
                                                                           木刻多色套印,橫版54x36cm,未裝貼。                                                                                                紙及桑葉紙,不同尺寸,部分裝貼。木
                                                                           鎮江金山屹立在波濤洶湧的長江中,山上                                                                                                   刻三色套印(黑、紅、藍),局部手工
                                                                           為康熙皇帝南巡時親自賜名的江天禪寺和                                                                                                   墨書,蓋有不同茶莊茶號印章。每冊約
                                                                           矗立山頂的慈壽塔。新建後的金山地區船                                                                                                   44x32cm。
                                                                           隻往來繁忙,城鎮內商販路人絡繹不絕。                                                                                                   書籍冊頁(一開兩頁),內容為治理月經
                                                                           左下方畫店刊印:姑蘇汪信發號發行。品                                                                                                   不調藥方。
                                                                           相等級B,少許褪色、破損、邊沿有些許                                                                                                   品相等級B,部分破損、污漬。
                                                                           霉點。中央一道空白線,疑似錯版。                                                                                                     來源:德國萊茵地區私人舊藏。注有收
                                                                           來源:德國萊茵地區私人舊藏。                                                                                                       藏編號。

                                                                           € 600 – 900 | $ 666 – 999                                                                                            € 400 – 700 | $ 444 – 777
         2053                                                                                                                 from 2055

         Private Rhenish Collection
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