Page 29 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 29

Private Rhenish                                                                                                      2047

                                                                                                                              RARE BOOKLET WITH FRAGMENTS
                                                                                                                              OF PAPER AND TWO WOODBLOCK
         Collection                                                                                                           PRINTS.
                                                                                                                              SELTENES HEFT MIT
                                                                                                                              PAPIERFRAGMENTEN UND
                                                                                                                              ZWEI HOLZSCHNITTEN.
                                                                                                                              China. Qing dynasty. 17th/18th c.
                                                                                                                              a) Ink and colours on woven paper
                                                                                                                              ground. Two scholars at a bridge over a
                                                                                                                              river. A farmer is crossing the bridge. Two
                                                                                                                              matching parts: 17.5x17cm/12x7.3cm.
                                                                                                                              Glued on paper. Damaged, restored.
                                                                                                                              Two backed color woodblock prints:
                                                                                                                              b) In four large cartouches with a
                                                                                                                              border of bamboo stalks each five small
                                                                                                                              representations (altogether 20) about
                                                                                                                              honest and dishonest Confucian behavior.
                                                                                                                              Title: Pictures of Nobles and Villains.
                                                                                                                              Below left a stamp: Gusu Lü Yuntai zi
         Chinese Gusu Woodblock Prints                                                                                        Tianzhi faxing. Fanke jisun (published
                                                                                                                              by Lü Tianzhi, the son of Lü Yuntai from
         from the Early Qing Dynasty                                                                                          Gusu. Reprint prohibited). 59x39cm.
                                                                                                                              c) Fifteen empires from the world and
                                                                                                                              from legends, each identified by a labeled
                                                                                                                              flag, pay tribute to the capital of China.
                                                                                                                              Among them, for example the Kingdom
         Printing with wooden models has a long   清代早期姑蘇版畫                                                                    of Ryukyu (15th to 19th c.) with a large
         tradition in China, which already began   —德國萊茵地區私人收藏                                                                bronze jar filled with corals and pearls.
         in the 4th century with fabric patterns.                                                                             Title: Tribute of the Vassals. Below left
         In the Tang Dynasty (617-907), Buddhist   隨著17世紀晚期至18世紀中葉康乾兩帝                                                        stamp: Gusu Lü Yuntai faxing (published
         texts were printed in this technique. The   開放東南口岸通商,江南蘇杭一帶的木刻                                                       by Lü Yuntai from Gusu). 61 x 39cm.
         medium flourished in the Qing Dynasty   版畫“姑蘇版畫”流傳至歐洲,開始了它                                                            Condition B. Minimally creased, a bit
         with the opening of ports on the eastern   發展史上的黃金時期,題材以戲出故事、                                                        foxing.
         and southern coasts in the Kangxi to   仕女童子、勝景圖、吉慶祥瑞等為主。
         Qianlong period (late 17th to mid-18th   這裡的版畫收藏匯集了近二十張珍貴的姑                                                          Provenance:
         century) for foreign trade with Europe.   蘇版畫(2047至2054號),多為姑蘇呂                                                       - Rhenish private collection.
         The extensive collection here provides   氏家族兩代匠人出品,其中一些作品可與                                                          Old collection no.
         an impressive insight into Chinese tra-  知名博物館藏品媲美,如2047號反映儒
         ditions and ideas with rare leaves that   家入世哲學的連環畫式版畫以及諸侯國進                                                         Compare:
         are almost unknown to this day and not   貢圖。值得注意的是2055號的一系列茶                                                          - There are similar woodblock prints
         mentioned in the literature. These color   葉包裝紙,其中也許不乏御茶用紙,對中                                                        like b) in the collection of the
         woodblock prints from the region of Gusu   國茶文化的研究將是有益的補充。頗具傳                                                        Kupferstich - Kabinett in Dresden:
         (today Suzhou), especially from the Lü   統特色的大幅年畫與手繪門神像(2051                                                         “Wondrous Stories from old and new
         family, illustrated novels, plays, legends   號)亦是本收藏的珍品之一。                                                           Times” (Jingu qiguan tu) and of the   珍稀姑蘇版畫兩幅及紙本編織殘片             品相等級B,細微摺痕,少許霉點。
         and genre scenes (cat. No. 2047-2050                                                                                 Umi - Mori Art Museum in Hiroshima,   (一冊)                        來源:德國萊茵地區私人舊藏。
         and 2052-2054). Cat. No. 2047 includes                                                                               Japan: “Qingming Festival” (Qingming   清   17/18世紀                注有收藏編號。
         an unusual sheet: It shows in 20 rectan-                                                                             jiajie tu), “24 Examples of Filial Piety”   a) 設色紙本編織殘片兩件,17.5x17cm/  類比:
         gular cartouches, almost reminiscent of                                                                              (Ershisi xiao tu).               12x7.3cm,裝貼。河畔高士敘談,河上            -版畫 b)  類比德國德累斯頓國家博物館版
         modern comics, scenes with examples                                                                                   - Similar sheet like c) compare “All Nations   農夫挑擔過橋。多處損壞,局部修復。  畫陳列室館藏版畫《今古奇觀圖》以及日
         of honest and dishonest Confucian be-                                                                                Coming to Court” (Wanguo laichao) in   兩幅橫版木刻版畫,多色套印,裝貼:          本海の見える杜美術館館藏版畫《清明佳
         havior. In addition, the sheet with fifteen                                                                           the collection of the British Museum.  b) 《君子小人圖》59x39cm。連環畫式二    節圖》與《二十四孝圖》
         tribute-giving states from the real world                                                                                                             十幅入世之道。圖外右下方畫店刊記:姑               -版畫c)  類比大英博物館館藏版畫《萬國
         but also from legends is extremely rare                                                                              Literature:                      蘇呂雲台子天植發行翻刻即孫。                   來朝》
         and represents a rarity. Also noteworthy                                                                              - Wang Cheng - hua: Art as Commodity:   c) 《諸國進貢圖》61x39cm。十五個諸侯  參閱:
         is a group of wrapping papers for various                                                                            The Commercial Aspects of Suzhou   國侍者手持番旗,拉著滿車的各色寶物浩             -王正華著《清代初中期作為產業的蘇州
         types of tea (cat. No. 2055), among them                                                                             Single - Sheet Prints in the Early and Middle   浩蕩盪趕向京城獻寶,其中有傳說中的長  版畫與其商業面向》,發表於《中央研
         probably also tea for imperial use. Last                                                                             Qing Dynasty. In: Fachzeitschrift des   人國、猩猩國,周邊的琉球國(15-19世      究院近代史研究所集刊》第 92 期,台北
         but not least a small group of colored                                                                               Institute of Mordern History, Academia   紀存世)、日本國等,以及遠道而來的西       2016年6月,第4、39與43頁,圖2與9。
         woodcuts for the Chinese New Year (cat.                                                                              Sinica. Vol. 92. June 2016. Taipei. P. 4, 39,   洋國、賀蘭國等。左下方畫店刊記:姑蘇
         No. 2051).                                                                                                           43. Fig. 2, 9.                   呂雲台發行。                           € 1.500 – 1.800 | $ 1.665 – 1.998

         Private Rhenish Collection
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