Page 26 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 26

2042                             The Yi people, one of China’s 55   程叢林,中國著名油畫家,代表作品
         CHENG, CONGLIN                   minorities, live mainly in the mountainous   《1968年×月×日雪》、《1978年·夏
         1954 Chengdu                     areas of the provinces of Sichuan,   夜》、《華工船》等。作品多為中國美術
         Representative of Chinese ‘Scar Art’    Yunnan and Guizhou. In addition to their   館及香港馮平山博物館、臺灣山藝術館等
         in the 1970s.                    own language, as well as indigenous   海外藝術機構及私人收藏。
                                          ideograms, they cultivate their own   1954年出生於四川成都,1982年畢業於
         YOUNG GOAT HERDER.               costumes, which include wide, pleated   四川美術學院油畫系,1986年結業於中
         JUNGE ZIEGENHIRTIN.              skirts combined with jackets dyed in dark   央美術學院油畫系研修班,曾任教於四川
                                          indigo blue.                     美院、中央美院。1986年應法國文化部
         China. Dated 1991. Oil on canvas.                                 造型藝術中心(Centre national des arts
         69 x 56.5cm. The young woman, whose   Cheng Conglin, born in Chengdu,   plastiques)邀請,赴法國從事藝術和教
         clothes clearly show that she is not   Sichuan, studied oil painting in the   學活動。1987年至1990年  ,被聘為德國
         married, stands in front of the gate of   1970s and 80s at the Institute of Fine   奧斯納布呂克大學客座教授,期間完成
         the goat pen with lower wall. Behind it,   Arts Sichuan, where he later worked as a   了構思四年、創作三年的巨幅作品《送
         the higher wall around an estate with   professor, as well even later at the Central   葬的人們》和《迎親的人們》(60米x2
         trees in fresh leaves. She is dressed in a   Art Academy of China. Upon invitation of   米)以及一批取材於彝人的小型油畫,如
         long pleated skirt with blue and brown   the ‘Centre national arts plastiques’, he   《阿米子和牛》、《取水》、《墻外》
         ribbons, combined with a top, which   was guest in France in 1986. In the period   等。1992年5月24日至6月7日以此在奧斯
         closes on the right shoulder and an   from 1987 to 1990 he taught as visiting   納布呂克藝術館(Kunsthalle Dominika-
         embroidered collar. She wears a small   professor at the University of Osnabrück.   nerkirche)舉辦了名為“彝人的迎親和送
         headgear, jewelry in her ears, at the wrists   From 1984 to 1990 he worked on two   葬”的個人畫展。
         and a necklace. Lowering her gaze, her   extremely large and impressive cycles with   程叢林曾是“傷痕美術”的主要代表人物
         face shows a serene expression. On a long   the themes of ‘Wedding and Funeral of   之一。“傷痕美術”  是20世紀70年代的
         leash, she holds a young, black and white   the Yi’, which have been exhibited 1992   文革後期出現的美術現象,從“藝術服務
         spotted goat. Below right sign.: Cong   from May 24 to June 7, in the Kunsthalle   於政治”的理想主義、英雄主義,轉向悲
         Lin. 1991. Wooden frame 82 x 69.5cm.   Dominikanerkirche, Osnabrück together   情現實主義與平民主義,開始關注普通人
         Framed in July 1991 by Art Trade   with other works.              的命運和內心需求,重視生命個體的價
         TH. HÜLSMEIER, Osnabrück. Backside a                              值,以反思和批判為基調,以寫實的手法
         label. Condition A/B.            程叢林 (1954-)                      表現,色調灰冷。以何多苓、高小華、程
                                          牧羊少女                             叢林、周春芽、羅中立等人為代表的四川
         Provenance:                      1991年   布面油畫   69x56.5cm         畫派,將“傷痕美術”推到了高潮,譜寫
          - North German private collection.    彝族少女身著繡花鑲邊的深藍黑色大襟右         了中國當代美術史上的一段華美篇章。
         In the family estate since 1991.   衽上衣及長坎肩,烏黑的頭髮中分,頭戴             《牧羊少女》是程叢林創作中期的作品,
                                          橄欖綠色頭巾,佩戴琥珀耳飾與項鍊,領               其中可看出受到印象派油畫的影響,光
                                          口別有銀排花,右手戴腕鍊,下身著綠棕               影及氣氛的營造成為創作的重要的一個部
                                          兩色窄布相間橫聯的四分層百褶長裙,裙               分。構圖嚴謹,錯落有致,筆法寫實細
                                          呈喇叭狀幾乎拖地。雙手自然下垂,持一               膩,用色凝重單純,實為畫家彝人題材油
                                          長繩,一端系正低頭吃草的黑白紋相間的               畫的佳作。
                                          低矮的圈牆,之後的土夯院牆內幾株新葉               € 8.000 – 10.000 | $ 8.880 – 11.100
                                          簽名(右下):「丛林Cong Lin. 1991.」
                                          82x 69.5cm,背後有藝廊標籤。

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