Page 22 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 22

2033                             福祿壽吉祥如意長條案                                                                          2034                             Hardwood with dark polish. Porcelain   鑲瓷板躺椅(成對)
         VERY LARGE ALTAR TABLE           清   高111cm/長315cm/寬54.5cm                                                           A PAIR OF MOON GAZING            plates famille rose. The chairs with    19/20世紀   高98cm/長81cm/寬51.5cm
         WITH APRON IN OPENWORK.          硬木,呈色褐黑。直肩插頭榫結構。案面                                                                  ARMCHAIRS WITH PORCELAIN         slanted backs. The plates decorated   瓷板50x24.5cm
         SEHR GROßER ALTARTISCH MIT       為攢框裝整板而成的渾素面,兩邊牙板                                                                   PLATES.                          with flowering peonies, wisteria and   硬木,深色拋光。座面與背板的兩側均鏤
         DURCHBROCHEN GESCHNITZTER        及左右兩端均有透雕紋飾,其中有蝙蝠                                                                   PAAR LIEGESTÜHLE, SOG. MOON      chrysanthemum with chickens and   空,背板側斜(不可調俯仰),鑲嵌長
         SCHÜRZE.                         捧壽、靈芝如意、桃實、銅錢、祥雲等圖                                                                  GAZING ARMCHAIRS, MIT            quails. Height 98cm, Width 51.5cm,   方形粉彩瓷板,上繪金雞牡丹(寓功名富
         China. Qing dynasty (1644 - 1911).   案,佈局疏密有致。兩側魚肚圈口,下                                                               PORZELLANPLATTEN.                depth 81cm, plate each 50 x 24.5cm.   貴)及菊下鵪鶉(寓安居樂業)之祥瑞圖
                                          承雕迴紋牙條與馬蹄足。品相等級B,褪                                                                  China. 19th/20th c.              Condition A/B.                   案。頭枕兩頭呈螺發形。品相等級A/B。
         Hardwood with dark polish. The table   色、侵蝕痕跡、划痕、火燒斑,圈口處有                                                                                                                              來源:德國北威州私人收藏。
         top with frame, the apron carved in   損。                                                                                                              Provenance:
         openwork relief with peach twigs and   來源:德國北威州私人收藏。                                                                                                   - Private collection North      € 2.000 – 3.000 | $ 2.220 – 3.330
         blossoms, gourds, bats, ruyi, coins and                                                                                                               Rhine - Westphalia.
         shou - characters. The legs reinforced with   € 900 – 1.200 | $ 999 – 1.332
         a frame. Height 111cm, 315x54.5cm.
         Underneath the plate an inscription
         denoting probl. the former owner.
         Condition B. Bleached, cracks, scorch
         marks, damage.

          - Private collection North
         Rhine - Westphalia.

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