Page 20 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 20
2029 「吳門周柱」款紫檀木百寶嵌冰梅山茶圖 2030 Carved layered lacquer (tixi) on wood. 黑面剔犀如意云紋印章方盒
IMPORTANT LIDDED BOX 印泥圓蓋盒 RARE BOX FOR A LARGE SEAL. Later handles, closure and fittings from 明或清 高17.5cm/14.5x14.5cm
FOR SEAL PASTE. 明/清 17/18世紀 SELTENER KASTEN FÜR bronze. The cubical box with arched 盒木胎,正方形,蓋中部微隆起,器身下
BEDEUTENDE DECKELDOSE 高6.2cm/直徑10cm/重325g EIN GROßES SIEGEL. lid and on an integrated base. On all 接四方底台。器表用黑、紅二色漆分層反
FÜR SIEGELPASTE. 以整塊橫截紫檀木料製成,器型圓柱形, China. Ming or Qing dynasty. sides and at the top with deeply cut and 復髹成,烏間朱線。盒身四壁每面雕上下
China. Ming/Qing dynasty. 17th/18th c. 平頂直壁。盒面嵌入螺鈿片、諸色寶石 symmetrically arranged ruyi forms. Four 排列的如意雲紋四個,盒蓋壁亦雕雲紋,
及染色漆片等,組成五彩分明的冰梅山 identical forms repeated on each side, 蓋面中心為兩個對稱的如意紋。底台一周
Turned from cross cut zitan wood 茶圖,上方嵌銀絲成七言詩一句「春華迷 the lid with a more complex arabesque 雕卷草紋。盒內部及足內均為黑光漆,局
with minutely carved inlays of 人雨半酣」及「周柱」篆字方印。盒底亦 in the center. On the pedestal with short 部有開裂紋。面頁及兩側提手均為銅制後
mother - of - pearls, colorful stone and 嵌銀絲落「吳門周柱」四字篆書印。盒內 feet and along the curved ribs in tixi 配飾件。品相等級A/B,邊沿有小磕。
lacquer. On the lid in elegant design 殘存朱紅印泥。品相等級B,圈足輕微小 technique, spiral tendrils that contrast well
flowering camellias and plum – in the 磕,盒身一樹傑處髹漆修復。 with the motifs of the box. Inside black € 7.000 – 9.000 | $ 7.770 – 9.990
spring drizzel. In combination with a 周柱,明代後期髹漆百寶鑲嵌名匠。此盒 lacquered, partly cracked and crazed,
poem of seven characters with signature 以梅花為主、茶花為輔,交相輝映,枝葉 likewise the bottom. Height 17.5cm,
inlayed in silver and lacquered over in 轉折順然,佈局疏朗,精工典雅。 14.5x14.5cm. Condition B. Chipped at
black, likewise the mark in the foot the rim.
ring. Inside the box residue of the dried € 2.000 – 3.000 | $ 2.220 – 3.330 | ‡
seal paste. Weight 325g, Height 6.2cm,
Ø 10cm. Underneath mark: Wumen Zhou
Zhu. Condition B. A small chip at the foot
ring. In the lower section, a natural knot
repaired with lacquer.