Page 19 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 19

2026                                                                                                                 2028                             涅白料畫琺瑯皮球花渣斗
         RARE DANCING BEAR AS A SUPPORT.                                                                                      IMPORTANT SMALL SPITTOON         高6.2cm/口徑6.7cm
         SELTENER TANZENDER BÄR                                                                                               WITH MEDALLION DECOR.            此件渣斗採用涅白玻璃胎畫琺瑯工藝製
         ALS STÜTZE.                                                                                                          BEDEUTENDER KLEINER SPUCKNAPF    成,口外撇呈喇叭狀,鼓圓腹,矮直圈
         China. In the style of the Han dynasty,                                                                              MIT MEDAILLONDEKOR.              足,器型如尊。器身滿飾籃、紅、黃、紫
         but later.                                                                                                           China.                           等各色團花紋,色調清雅、團花細緻可
         Bronze with dark patina and earth                                                                                    Milky glass painted with enamel (falang).   肩部及近足處一圈纏枝蓮紋。渣斗內壁亦
         adherence. The word ‘bear’ (xiong) is in                                                                             A flared lip over a bulbous body on a   飾團花紋。足底藍料書「乾隆年製」四字
         Chinese a homonym for courage and                                                                                    straight foot ring. The body and the rim   楷書款。品相等級A。
         strengtH. At the back a funnel - shaped                                                                              inside painted with scattered and partly
         tube, which could have served as a holder                                                                            overlapped flower medallions. Borders   € 8.000 – 10.000 | $ 8.880 – 11.100
         for a table or a screen. Weight 7.5kg,                                                                               with lotus tendrils decorate the foot
         Height 22.5cm, Width 28cm, depth                                                                                     ring, as well as the lower edge of the
         19cm. Fitting wooden base, damaged.                                                                                  rim on the outside and the lip on the
         Condition A/B.                                                                                                       inside. On the outside of the rim, pairs of
                                                                                                                              facing chi - dragons with leaf fans placed
         Provenance:                                                                                                          between them. Height 6.2cm, Ø 6.7cm.
          - German private collection.                                                                                        Underneath four - part Qianlong mark,
          - As stated by previous owner acquired in                                                                           possibly from the period. Condition A.
         the 1920s in China.

          - L. Hajek/W. Formann: A Book of Chinese
         Art – 4000 Years of Sculpture, Painting,
         Bronze, Jade, Lacquer and Porcelain,
         London 1966. No. 117, p. 56.

          - The object described in detail by
         Dr. Lubor Hajek (undated text).

         仿漢式   高22.5cm/寬28cm/重7.5kg
         -1920年代於中國購得。                                                      2027
         著錄:L. Hajek與W. Formann合著《中國                                        ATTENDANT OF BRAHMA WITH
         藝術:四千年造像、繪畫、青銅、玉器、                                                 PHURBU AND FLAMING WHEEL.
         漆器及瓷器》(A Book of Chinese Art -                                     BEGLEITER DES BRAHMA MIT PHURBU
         4000 Years of Skulpture, Painting, Bronce,                         UND FLAMMENDEM RAD.
         Jade, Lacquer and Porcelain)。倫敦1966年                               China. Ming/Qing dynasty. 17th/18th c.
         鑑定書:Lubor Hajek博士對此銅像的詳盡                                           Bronze with dark patina. Rare depiction.
         描述(無鑑定日期)。                                                         Probl. part of a larger setting on an
         參閱:                                                                altar. Height 28.5cm. On the back:
         -Alfred Salmony著《漢代初期中國玉熊》                                         Royal Brahma, no. 2 from the left.
         (A Chinese Jade Bear of the Early Han Peri-                        Condition A/B. Casting defect at the feet
         od),發表在1947年出版《Artibus Asiae》                                      and back.
         及青銅器。                                                              大梵天王銅立像
         -巴黎賽努奇博物館館藏品編號                                                     明/清   17/18世紀   高28.5cm
         M.C.2011-1,類似造型青銅熊。                                                梵王一頭二臂三目,身著天衣護法,左臂
         -美國克利夫蘭藝術博物館John L. Sever-                                         上舉持火焰輪,右臂於腰間持普巴杵。可
         ance基金,1994.203,類似造型青銅熊。                                           能為組神造像中的一件。身後銘文:「王
         -2017年11月8日美國舊金山Bernstein &                                        梵王  左二」。品相等級A/B,腿部及後背
         Co.層登出一隻幾乎相同的青銅熊。                                                  處有澆鑄瑕疵。
         € 900 – 1.200 | $ 999 – 1.332                                      € 1.400 – 1.800 | $ 1.554 – 1.998

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