Page 14 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 14

2012                                                                                                                 2014                             Also a willow blowing in the breeze   五彩描金庭院仕女圖大盤
         BALUSTER VASE                                                                                                        LARGE DISH WITH TWO LADIES       and lilies behind a fence. On the   清康熙(1661-1722)
         WITH BOY RIDING QILIN.                                                                                               IN A GRADEN LANDSCAPE.           rim on a diamond background, four   高5.8cm/直徑約34cm
         BALUSTERVASE MIT                                                                                                     GROßER TELLER MIT ZWEI DAMEN     peony blossoms and four reserves with   敞口,弧壁,淺腹,圈足。盤心飾初夏的
         KNABE AUF QILIN.                                                                                                     IN EINER GARTENLANDSCHAFT.       butterflies and grasshoppers alternate.   花園內兩位梳高髻的仕女一人持扇、一人
         China. Qing dynasty. Kangxi period                                                                                   China. Qing - Dynastie. Kangxi - Zeit   Outside, under a similar border of   端壽桃,行走中鶯鶯細語。身後的院牆開
         (1661 - 1722).                                                                                                       (1661 - 1722).                   flowers, four flowering camellias twigs.   一圓形洞窗,可見院內花幾上盆栽萱草及
                                                                                                                                                               Ø ca. 34cm, Height 5.8cm. Underneath   芭蕉樹,一株海棠出牆來,與牆外的垂柳
         Porcelain painted underglaze blue. In a                                                                              Porcelain finely painted in famille verte   a double ring in underglaze blue. Label:   在微風中搖曳。盤內壁錢紋錦地交替裝飾
         garden landscape, a boy riding a qilin                                                                               with iron red, black et al. In the mirror   J.M. BEALU, Paris. Condition B. At the lip   四開光及四朵牡丹,開光內飾蝴蝶及蟈蟈
         in clouds. A guard of honor of another                                                                               a garden scene in early summer: Two   several chips.              花卉。盤外壁口沿處一圈類似紋飾,其下
         six boys, accompanies him. The neck                                                                                  elegantly dressed Ladies stroll in the                            飾四足折枝茶花。足底落青花雙圈,巴黎
         adorned with a border of four treasures.                                                                             garden. The Lady with a fan turns to the                          古董店標籤:J.M. BEALU, Paris。
         Height 24.5cm. Underneath in underglaze                                                                              other, walking behind her and carrying                            品相等級B,盤沿有小磕。
         blue a lingzhi mushroom in a double ring.                                                                            a bowl of peaches. In the background,
         Condition B/C. Neck completely restored                                                                              a garden wall with a large gate through                           € 3.000 – 3.500 | $ 3.330 – 3.885
         and overpainted.                                                                                                     which daylilies are visible in the pot on
                                                                                                                              a stool, as well as banana trees and
         青花麒麟送子圖將軍罐                                                                                                           blossoming apple trees.
         清康熙(1661-1722)   高24.5cm

         € 2.500 – 3.000 | $ 2.775 – 3.330

                                                                           TABLE SCREEN WITH
                                                                           DRAGON AND CLOUDS.
                                                                           TISCH - STELLSCHIRM MIT
                                                                           DRACHE UND WOLKEN.
                                                                           China. Qing dynasty. Guangxu period
                                                                           (1875 - 1908).
                                                                           Porcelain plate, painted in underglaze
                                                                           copper red and cobalt blue. A red dragon
                                                                           flies between dense blue clouds. The head
                                                                           in profile, the body only partially visible.
                                                                           Plate 25 x 19cm. Carved wooden frame
                                                                           and base. Complete Height 38.5cm,
                                                                           Width 34.5cm. Condition A/B. Wood with
                                                                           scratches, plate in good condition.


                                                                           € 1.200 – 1.500 | $ 1.332 – 1.665

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