Page 15 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 15

2015                                                                                                                 2017
         RARE CUP AND SCAUER SHOWING                                                                                          PLATE WITH THE MODERN
         THE ‘WONDER OF ZAANDAM’.                                                                                             VIEW OF JINGDEZHEN.
         SELTENE KOPPCHEN UND                                                                                                 PLATTE MIT DER MODERNEN
         UNTERTELLER MIT DEM ‚WUNDER                                                                                          ANSICHT VON JINGDEZHEN.
         VON ZAANDAM‘.                                                                                                        China. Dated 1976. In the style
         China. Export porcelain. Qing dynasty.                                                                               of Xu Huanwen (1932 -  ).
         Qianlong period (1735 - 1796).
                                                                                                                              Porcelain painted with enamel colors.
         Export porcelain, painted in the                                                                                     China’s porcelain capital Jingdezhen
         Netherlands with enamel. The ‘Cruelty                                                                                situated idyllically at the Chang River in a
         of a Bull’, based on Dutch prints, shows                                                                             rocky mountain landscape. 66 x 41.5cm.
         an angry bull trampling on the man                                                                                   Inscription with title and dating. Seal:
         and his woman whirled through the air,                                                                               Xu. Wooden frame 81.5 x 52.5cm.
         giving premature birth to a baby. Like a                                                                             Condition A.
         miracle is the only survivor the baby. Cup
         Height 4.6cm, Ø 6.5m, saucer Ø 11cm.                                                                                 徐煥文款景德鎮城景瓷板
         Underneath each with the date of the                                                                                 1976年   瓷板66x41cm/木框81.5x52.5cm
         incident in black stain: 29 Augustus 1647.                                                                           瓷板以鳥瞰圖形式體現作為中國瓷都的景
         Condition A/B. Lip with minute chips,                                                                                德鎮在建國後七十年代的嶄新面貌:蒸汽
         somewhat rubbed.                                                                                                     火車冒著濃煙從山谷中駛出,昌江上船隻
         罕見贊丹傳奇故事紋外銷瓷杯碟                                                                                                       城鎮裡眾多的工廠煙囪,一片欣欣向榮的
         清乾隆(1735-1796)                                                                                                       景象。題識:「瓷城新貌」「一九七五年
         杯高4.6cm,口徑6.5cm/碟直徑11cm                                                                                              畫於景德鎮」,鈐印:「徐」。帶木框。
         杯外壁通景繪1647年8月29日發生在荷蘭                                                                                                品相等級A。
         小鎮贊丹的傳奇故事:發怒的公牛衝撞了                                                                                                   徐煥文,1932年生,江西東鄉人。高級
         一對夫妻,前蹄踩在倒地的男人身上,女                                                                                                   工藝美術師,曾任景德鎮藝術瓷廠美研所
         人及她因此而早產的嬰兒(倖免遇難)均                                                                                                   副所長。他師承“珠山八友”之一汪野亭
         飛在半空中。背景是站在贊河河畔的放風                                                                                                   之子汪少平先生,以陶瓷粉彩山水見長。
         繪鄉村教堂景色。盤心圖案相同。杯碟                                                                                                    € 3.000 – 5.000 | $ 3.330 – 5.550
         足底均以墨彩書故事發生的日期:29 Au-
         gustus 1647。品相等級A/B,口沿輕微小
         € 1.600 – 2.000 | $ 1.776 – 2.220                                 PAIR OF ELEPHANT WITH
                                                                           MAHOUT AND BASKET.
                                                                           PAAR ELEFANTEN MIT
                                                                           MAHUT UND KORBKASTEN.
                                                                           Porcelain decorated in famille rose and                                                                              LARGE FIGURE OF ZHANG GUOLAO.
                                                                           gold. Strong elephant marching forward.                                                                              GROßE FIGUR DES ZHANG GUOLAO.
                                                                           A Manchurian as mahout leaning against                                                                               China. Republic period (1912 - 1949).
                                                                           a rectangular basket, probably for
                                                                           transport of treasures. Height ca. 12cm,                                                                             Porcelain, finely painted in enamel and
                                                                           Width 13cm. On the back of the basket                                                                                gold. The immortal, from the group of
                                                                           a horizontal six - part mark Qianlong in                                                                             the eight, stands on a lobster or shrimp
                                                                           iron red and possibly from the period.                                                                               on the waves, holding his fish drum
                                                                           Condition A/B.                                                                                                       from bamboo. The animal in the waves
                                                                                                                                                                                                emanates a yellow cloud ending in an
                                                                           Provenance:                                                                                                          open vessel. Height 57cm. Condition B.
                                                                            - Former private Belgian collection.                                                                                Small damages at the seams, bowl in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                water renewed.
                                                                           高約12cm/長13cm                                                                                                         粉彩張果老瓷塑立像
                                                                           雕塑由大象、滿族騎象人與寶缸組成。象                                                                                                   民國(1912-1949年)   高57cm
                                                                           身碩壯,直立前行狀,象背搭披垂流蘇、                                                                                                   八仙之一張果老頭戴方帽,白鬍垂胸,笑
                                                                           飾花卉團壽紋。騎象人雙腿叉開坐於象                                                                                                    容可掬。身著彩雲團壽紋長衫,單手懷
                                                                           頸,背靠長方形寶缸。背面缸沿處礬紅橫                                                                                                   抱竹魚鼓,雙腳踏一蝦怪,站立在海浪之
                                                                           書一行「大清乾隆年製」篆書寄託款。                                                                                                    上。品相等級B,衣裾處細微小磕,浪中
                                                                           來源:比利時私人舊藏。                                                                                                          托盞為後配。

                                                                           € 2.500 – 3.000 | $ 2.775 – 3.330                                                                                    € 1.000 – 1.500 | $ 1.110 – 1.665

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