Page 12 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 12

2010                             with pine. The juvenile Ma Chao on the   the back engraved flower petals and
         IMPORTANT DISH WITH AN OPERA     yellow horse galloping to the right is able   three flowering twigs painted in iron
         SCENE FROM THE STORY OF THE      to destroy the shield of Zhang Fei by using   red and green enamel. Height 4.5cm,
         THREE KINGDOMS.                  a meteor hammer (liuxingchui). An older   Ø 37cm. Underneath in underglaze blue
         BEDEUTENDER TELLER MIT           foot warrior with a gourd strapped on   a leaf mark in a double ring. Collector’s
         THEATERSZENE AUS DEM ROMAN       his back supports Ma Chao by assailing   label: Grüterich Gelsenkirchen A 192.
         DER DREI REICHE.                 Zhang Fei with a pair of clubs. Another   Condition A/B. Lip chipped. Supplement:
         China. Qing dynasty. Kangxi period   young soldier is standing next to the   Reference book: Regina Krahl: Chinese
         (1661 - 1722).                   horse of Zhang Fei and holding a long   Ceramics from the Gulexuan Collection.
                                          flag.                             2003.
         Porcelain, famille verte with iron red and   On the rim eight crane medallions, eight
         gold. The rim of the dish flower shaped,   half clouds and eight half ruyi medallions   Provenance:
         the wide foot ring slightly retracted. In the   on a background of linked flowers. On   - Collection Dr. Ernst Grüterich
         well, the scene ”Battle of Jiameng-Pass“                          (1926 - 2017).
         is set in a landscape                                              - Private collection Hamburg.
                                                                            - Regina Krahl: Chinese Ceramics from the
                                                                           Gulexuan Collection. 2003. P. 132/133,
                                                                           No. 101 a nearly identical dish.

                                                                                                                              五彩描金三國人物故事紋折沿花口盤                 品相等級A/B,盤沿一周有小磕。
                                                                                                                              清康熙(1661-1722)   高4.5cm/直徑37cm   附贈:康蕊君(Regina Krahl)著《古樂軒中
                                                                                                                              寬折沿,盤沿微呈菱花瓣形,淺弧壁,圈               國陶瓷藏品》(Chinese Ceramics from the
                                                                                                                              足。盤心飾京劇劇目《葭萌關》之《張飛               Gulexuan Collection),2003年出版。
                                                                                                                              挑燈大戰馬超》:三國時期兩位大將連戰               來源:
                                                                                                                              百餘合,日暮復縱以夜。馬超回馬使流星               -德國Ernst Grüterich博士先生
                                                                                                                              錘捶擊張飛,張飛以盾相迎。盤沿花紋錦               (1926-2017年)古樂軒舊藏。
                                                                                                                              地八個團鶴開光,其間飾半圓形彩雲、如               -德國漢堡私人收藏。
                                                                                                                              意頭各八。外壁繪紅綠彩折枝花卉,近足               類比:
                                                                                                                              處暗刻花瓣紋。足底青花雙圈內落葉紋花               -康蕊君(Regina Krahl)著《古樂軒中國
                                                                                                                              押款,並有收藏老簽:Grüterich Gelsen-      陶瓷藏品》(Chinese Ceramics from the
                                                                                                                              kirchen A 192。                   Gulexuan Collection),2003年出版。第

                                                                                                                                                               € 2.000 – 2.500 | $ 2.220 – 2.775
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