Page 13 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 13

2011                             青花四季花卉孔雀紋折沿大盤
         LARGE DISH WITH FLOWERS          清康熙(1661-1722)   高5.6cm/直徑47cm
         OF THE FOUR SEASONS.             寬折沿,淺弧壁,圈足。盤中心菱花形開
         GROßER TELLER MIT BLÜTEN         光內飾花鳥紋,四周錦地八瓣蓮葉形開光
         DER VIER JAHRESZEITEN.           內各飾一四季花卉(茶花、荷花、牡丹、
         China. Qing dynasty. Kangxi period   菊花)並呈對稱分佈。內壁與折沿相接處
         (1661 - 1722).                   八個如意頭,折沿上飾纏枝菊紋地,四個
         Porcelain, painted in underglaze blue.   孔雀。盤外壁飾六雜寶。足底青花雙圈內
         In the well, a medallion with bird on   落靈芝花押款。品相等級A/B,盤沿微小
         peony in the center of eight lotus flower   磕碰及細縫。
         leaves filled with plants of the Four   來源:
         Seasons. The background filled with a   -德國漢堡私人收藏。
         fine diamond fret. The rim decorated   類比:
         with four peacocks and four ruyi - shapes   -專業雜誌《世界藝術》(Weltkunst) 1975
         with peaches resp. pomegranates. The   年9月版刊號18,第1471/1472頁,類似
         background filled with chrysanthemum   的Grüterich藏品。
         scrolls. On the outside of the rim,   -倫敦維多利亞和阿爾伯特博物館藏品編
         six treasures with fluttering ribbons.   號792/1910。
         Height 5.6cm, Ø 47cm. Underneath
         a lingzhi mark in a double ring.   € 2.500 – 3.000 | $ 2.775 – 3.330
         Condition A/B. Good condition, minute
         chips and a hairline crack at the lip.

          - Private collection Hamburg.
          - Weltkunst Magazine no. 18, Sept. 1975:
         P. 1471 - 2, a nearly identical dish with
         lingzi mark from the collection Grüterich.
          - Victoria & Albert Museum, London,
         cat. 792/1910.

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