Page 17 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 17

2020                                                                                                                 2021
         MILEFO BUDDHA,                                                                                                       GUAN YU WITH DRAGON
         ALSO NAMED BUDAI.                                                                                                    ON THE GARMENT.
         MILEFO BUDDHA ODER BUDAI.                                                                                            GUAN YU MIT DRACHE
         China. In the style of the Ming dynasty,                                                                             AUF DEM GEWAND.
         but later.                                                                                                           China. In the style of the Ming dynasty,
                                                                                                                              but later.
         Bronze with dark patina. The crown and
         the patterns of the garment engraved.                                                                                Bronze with lacquer gilding. Sitting with
         He is laughing and sitting in royal posture                                                                          his hands on his knees. He is sporting
         with open robe over his voluminous belly.                                                                            a long beard in three strands and a cap
         On the head, he wears a crown with                                                                                   bound with long red ribbons. His garment
         small Buddha depictions. With his right,                                                                             completed with armor. Height 38cm.
         he holds a prayer chain; with his left,                                                                              Condition A/B.
         he holds the fabric of his treasure bag.
         Height 31cm. Condition A/B.                                                                                          銅鎏金關公坐像
                                                                                                                              明或晚期   高38cm
         戴冠彌勒佛銅坐像                                                                                                             造像通身鎏金,金色醇厚。武財神關羽頭
         明或晚期   高31cm                                                                                                         帶武生巾,面容威嚴,美髯垂胸,身著龍
         彌勒佛又稱大肚彌勒佛、布袋和尚,是漢                                                                                                   紋甲胄。雙手撫膝,足登雲靴,叉腿端
         傳佛教造像常見的一種。此尊彌勒佛頭戴                                                                                                   坐。品相等級A/B。
         大肚便便,笑口常開,右手持念珠搭於右                                                                                                   € 5.000 – 7.000 | $ 5.550 – 7.770
         € 4.000 – 6.000 | $ 4.440 – 6.660

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