Page 28 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 28

2045                                                                                                                 2046
         ALBUM WITH TWELVE                                                                                                    FANFOLD BOOK WITH 18 EROTIC
         EROTIC PAINTINGS.                                                                                                    AND 18 BLACK INK PAINTINGS.
         ALBUM MIT ZWÖLF                                                                                                      LEPORELLO MIT 18 EROTISCHEN
         EROTISCHEN MALEREIEN.                                                                                                UND 18 TUSCH - MALEREIEN.
         China. Qing dynasty. 18th/19th c.                                                                                    China. Qing dynasty. 18th/19th c.

         Ink and pigments on paper. The pictures                                                                              Ink, pigments and white on paper. The
         show a young couple. In the first leaf                                                                                paintings tell the story of a young couple.
         they are standing at the window and                                                                                  From a boat, she sells him fish and wakes
         admiring the flowers in the garden, in                                                                                him up when he fell asleep studying
         the other leaves they can be seen in                                                                                 at night. On the third sheet, an elderly
         different rooms or in the garden at erotic                                                                           woman surprises the two. The other
         pleasures. In one painting, the young man                                                                            leaves show the couple in erotic pleasure
         tries to seduce a female servant while his                                                                           in different rooms or in the garden.
         wife sleeps next to them. 23.3 x 20cm.                                                                               Sometimes in the company of another
         Painting each 16.8 x 14.5cm. Green fabric                                                                            Lady. The opposite leaves each with an
         covered cover. Condition B. Two paintings                                                                            ink drawing of a landscape, or of plants
         damaged.                                                                                                             and flowers. 24.7 x 19cm. Leaf each ca.
                                                                                                                              20.4 x 16.2cm. Cover with printed cotton
         Provenance:                                                                                                          fabric. Condition B. Insect damage, partly
          - Private collection Southern Germany.                                                                              the white blackened.
         春宮圖冊頁(十二開)                                                                                                           Provenance:
         清   18/19世紀                                                                                                           - Private collection Southern Germany.
         紙本設色   頁心16.8x14.5cm
         工筆彩繪十二幅男女情愛交歡圖。裝裱成                                                                                                   經折式春宮圖冊頁(十八開三十六幅)
         冊23.3x20cm,左右開板式,綠色錦面。                                                                                               清   18/19世紀
         品相等級B,兩頁有損。                                                                                                          紙本水墨設色   頁心約20.4x16.2cm
         來源:德國南部私人收藏。                                                                                                         每一開左為工筆彩繪男女春宮圖,右為
         € 1.500 – 2.200 | $ 1.665 – 2.442                                                                                    折式,花鳥紋錦面。品相等級B,蟲蛀痕

                                                                                                                              € 2.800 – 3.300 | $ 3.108 – 3.663

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