Page 203 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 203

           A FAMILLE ROSE ‘EIGHTEEN LUOHANS’   Yamanaka Sadajiro (1866-1936) opened the
           SNUFF BOTTLE                      London branch in 1900, and by 1923, when
           Qianlong iron-red seal mark, 19th century   the present snuff bottle was sold to Parry, also
           The sides moulded in high relief with the   had branches in Osaka, New York, Boston,
           Eighteen Luohan with their attributes,   Beijing and Shanghai.
           amongst polychrome cloud scrolls, with glass
           stopper. 7.4cm (2 7/8in) high. (2).  For an example of a moulded ‘Eighteen
                                             luohans’ snuff bottle, Qianlong mark, 19th
           £2,000 - 3,000                    century, see H.Moss, Snuff Bottles of China,
           CNY18,000 - 27,000                London, 1971, pp.126-127, no.297. A closely
                                             related ‘luohans’ snuff bottle, with illegible
                                             mark, 1780-1820, was sold at Christie’s New
           十九世紀 粉彩「十八羅漢圖」鼻煙壺                 York, 17 September 2008, lot 52.      Lot 88 (invoice)
           Provenance:                       入藏的1923年,山中商會已於大阪、紐約、
           Yamanaka & Co. Ltd., London       波士頓、北京及上海等地設立了多個分店。
           E. A. Parry (1879-1946), London, acquired
           from the above on 8 October 1923, and   參考一例十九世紀堆塑「十八羅漢圖」鼻煙
           thence by descent                 壺,「乾隆年製」仿款,收錄於H.Moss著,
                                             《Snuff Bottles of China》,倫敦,1971年,
           來源:                               頁126-127,編號297。紐約佳士得曾於2008
           倫敦古董商山中商會                         年9月17日售出一例1780-1820年制羅漢圖鼻
           倫敦E. A. Parry(1879-1946)舊藏,於1923  煙壺,拍品編號52,可資比對。

           For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot        (two views)
           please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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