Page 204 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 204


                                             band at the neck, coral stopper, 6.2cm    AN AMBER SNUFF BOTTLE
                                             (2 3/8in) high; the ivory bottle, 19th/early    18th/19th century
                                             20th century, carved in relief with three figures   Of flattened rounded form rising to a
                                             on board a sampan, a gentleman at the   cylindrical neck, the amber of golden honey
                                             fore wearing a tiger skin cloak, all amongst   tone with faint cloudy inclusions, with jadeite
                                             turbulent waves and cloud scrolls, the reverse   mounted stopper.
                                             with a procession of figures riding a variety of   5.3cm (2 1/8in) high. (3).
                                             beasts, 8.7cm (3 3/8in) high. (7).
                                                                              £2,500 - 3,500
                                             £800 - 1,200                     CNY22,000 - 31,000
                                             CNY7,200 - 11,000
                                                                              十八/十九世紀 琥珀鼻煙壺
                                             十八至十九世紀 剔紅鼻煙壺兩件 及十九世紀
                                             至二十世紀早期 牙雕煙壺 一組三件                Provenance:
                90                                                            Parry Collection, London, and thence by
                                             Provenance:                      descent
                                             Parry Collection, London, and thence by
                                             descent                          來源:
           89  Y Ф                           來源:
           TWO CINNABAR LACQUER CARVED       倫敦Parry家族收藏,並由後人保存迄今             See Snuff Bottles in the Collection of the
           SNUFF BOTTLES AND AN IVORY                                         National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1991, p.254,
           CARVED SNUFF BOTTLE               See a cinnabar lacquer carved snuff bottle,   no.378, for a similar opaque amber bottle
           The first lacquer bottle, 18th/19th century,   1750-1800, with similar decoration to the   preserved in its original cinnabar lacquer case.
           with flattened oval body crisply carved around   present lot, which was sold at Christie’s New
           the exterior with a continuous scene of a   York, 12 September 2018, lot 702. Compare   A related amber snuff bottle, 18th/19th
           Buddhist monk holding a staff, arm and leg   also a deeply-carved ivory bottle, Qianlong,   century, was sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong,
           raised, amongst a gathering of ladies and   which was sold at Christie’s London,   27 May 2014, lot 127.
           gentlemen, amidst trees and mountains in   7 November 2017, lot 52.
           the distance, with carved lion mask and                            參考台北國立故宮博物院藏一例琥珀鼻煙
           suspended chain handles, stopper, boxwood   參考一例1750-1800年制剔紅人物故事圖鼻煙  壺,收納於其原剔紅匣內,見《故宮鼻煙
           stand, 7.9cm (3 1/8in) high; the second   壺,紋飾主題可與本例中剔紅鼻煙壺較大者      壼》,台北,1991年,頁254,編號378。
           lacquer bottle, 19th century, of flattened ovoid   相比對,售於紐約佳士得,2018年9月12日,
           form, carved with gentlemen scholars and   拍品編號702;以及一例清乾隆象牙人物故事   香港蘇富比於2014年5月27日售出一例十八/
           boy attendants in a mountainous, tree-strewn   圖鼻煙壺,售於倫敦佳士得,2017年11月7  十九世紀琥珀鼻煙壺,拍品編號127,可資
           landscape, beneath a ruyi collar and floral   日,拍品編號52。            比對。

                                                  For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           202  |  BONHAMS                        please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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