Page 205 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
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           91  Y Ф
           FIVE HARDSTONE AND GLASS          The range of materials illustrated in this group
           SNUFF BOTTLES                     of snuff bottles is reflective of the skill and
           19th/early 20th century           ingenuity utilised by the Chinese artisans to
           Comprising a green-overlay white glass snuff   create a wealth and variety of snuff bottles
           bottle, with gnarled and blossoming prunus   in almost every conceivable material. Snuff
           branches extending around the body, with   bottles were initially made for the Emperor
           hardstone stopper, 6.1cm (2 3/8in) high; a   and the Court. Through the 19th century snuff
           smokey rock crystal snuff bottle, carved in   bottles were produced in greater quantities
           low relief with bearded sages, the reverse   for a public which not only admired Imperial
           with poetic inscription in xingshu calligraphy   tastes but enjoyed the functionality of these
           with glass stopper and wood stand, 5.5cm   finely-crafted miniatures.
           (2 2/8in) high; a malachite snuff bottle and
           stopper, expertly carved around the exterior   本組拍品足可展示中國工匠使用各類材質作
           with a deer, crane and peacock amidst   為胎體豐富鼻煙壺創作場域的匠心獨運、
           various trees, the stone of lustrous emerald-  巧奪天工。鼻煙最初傳入之時,僅於宮廷與
           green tone, with wood stand, with stopper,   王公貴族間流通。至十九世紀已廣泛普及,
           7.6cm (3in) high; a lavender agate snuff bottle   鼻煙壺的製作也由順應宮廷審美而擴大到為
           and stopper, carved around the exterior with   人們日常使用增添情趣。                    92
           a female Immortal and boy attendant, amidst
           flowers and trees, with stopper, 7.4cm (3in)   92
           high; and a turquoise snuff bottle and stopper,                    This group of bottles was designed to suit
           the flattened body carved with leafy sprays   A MONGOLIAN-STYLE WHITE METAL   Mongolian taste, particularly evident here in
                                             RETICULATED SNUFF BOTTLE
           and birds, with wood stand, with stopper,   19th century           the stone-encrusted stopper. The probable
           7.8cm (3 1/8in) high. (13).       Of compressed circular form, decorated   reason for their manufacture was to curry
                                             with two central dragon medallions within   favour with Mongolian princes and dignitaries,
           £1,000 - 1,500                    reticulated scrolling foliate borders, with   many of whom were granted noble titles by
           CNY8,900 - 13,000                 stopper inlaid with malachite and coral.   the eighteenth-century Qing Emperors.
                                             8cm (3 1/8in) high. (2).
           十九世紀至二十世紀早期 硬石及玻璃制鼻煙                                               For a comparable Mongolian-style silver and
           壺 一組五件                            £2,000 - 3,000                   gold snuff bottle see Bonhams Hong Kong,
                                             CNY18,000 - 27,000               Snuff Bottles from the Mary and George Bloch
           Provenance:                                                        Collection, Part I, 28 May 2010, lot 2.
           Parry Collection, London, and thence by   十九世紀 蒙古式鏨龍紋鼻煙壺
           descent                                                            此類鼻煙壺,尤見其鑲嵌寶石的帽塞,應為
                                             Provenance:                      滿足蒙古審美所作,供蒙古王子或王公貴族
           來源:                               Parry Collection, London, and thence by descent   們日常使用。香港邦瀚斯曾於「瑪麗及莊智
           倫敦Parry家族收藏,並由後人保存迄今                                               博鼻煙壺珍藏:第一部份」專場拍賣售出一
                                             來源:                              例蒙古式金銀質鼻煙壺,2010年5月28日,
                                             倫敦Parry家族收藏,並由後人保存迄今             拍品編號2,可資比對。

           For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.  THE PARRY COLLECTION  |  203
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