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86  Y Ф
           A FINE JADEITE ‘BUTTERFLY AND     Yamanaka Sadajiro (1866-1936) opened the   1900年,山中定次郎開設倫敦分店;至本例
           MELON VINE’ SNUFF BOTTLE          London branch in 1900, and by 1923, when   入藏的1923年,山中商會已於大阪、紐約、
           Late 18th/early 19th century      the present snuff bottle was sold to Parry, also  波士頓、北京及上海等地設立了多個分店。
           The flattened circular body carved in low relief   had branches in Osaka, New York, Boston,
           with butterflies amongst melon vines, the fruits  Beijing and Shanghai.   本例通身雕飾瓜蝶紋,寓意「瓜瓞綿綿」;
           suspended from foliate stems issuing scrolling                     典出《詩經·大雅·綿》,「綿綿瓜瓞,民之初
           tendrils, the stone of lustrous apple-green   The wish for ceaseless generations of   生,自土沮漆」,原意指周朝開國的歷史如
           tone, with creamy russet inclusions to the   descendants, guadie mianmian 瓜瓞綿綿,   瓜瓞般歲歲相繼不絕。蝶,諧音「瓞」,
           reverse, with coral stopper and ivory spoon,   which the combination of butterflies and   即小瓜,瓜始生時略小,但其蔓不絕,逐漸
           hongmu stand.                     melons invokes, appears to have originated   長大,綿延滋長。瓜瓞綿延遂成為子孫昌
           5.1cm (2in) high. (3).            from the ‘Book of Odes’, compiled between   盛、多子多福之象徵。
                                             the 11th and the 7th century BC. The verses
           £6,000 - 8,000                    contained in this anthology make abundant   香港佳士得於2020年10月8日售出一例清翠玉
           CNY54,000 - 72,000                use of plant and animal analogies to describe   雕螭龍紋鼻煙壺,拍品編號43,形制相若,
                                             female beauty and human accomplishments.   可為比對。
                                             Butterflies die 蝶 are a homophone with the
           十八世紀晚期/十九世紀早期 翡翠雕瓜瓞紋              character making up the word for little gourds
           鼻煙壺                               die 瓞, symbolic of fertility because of the
                                             multitude of their seeds.
           Yamanaka & Co. Ltd., London       Compare with a related jadeite snuff bottle,
           E. A. Parry (1879-1946), London, acquired   Qing dynasty, but carved with designs of
           from the above on 8 October 1923, and   chilong, which was sold at Christie’s Hong
           thence by descent                 Kong, 8 October 2020, lot 43.

           倫敦E. A. Parry(1879-1946)舊藏,於1923
           年10月8日購自上者,並由後人保存迄今                                                   Lot 86 (invoice)

           For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.  THE PARRY COLLECTION  |  199
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