Page 90 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
P. 90

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                                                18-10-2016  15:52  Pagina 25
           roos boek 065-128 d


                                                                                                         Fig. 3.8. High dignitaries,
                                                                                                         watercolour on pith
                                                                                                         a. From album with
                                                                                                         12 images, anonymous,
                                                                                                         19th century, 21 x 29 cm,
                                                                                                         The Hague Royal
                                                                                                         Academy of Fine Arts,
                                                                                                Z 53 (3).
                                                                                                         b. From albums with
                                                                                                         10 images, Youqua,
                                                                                                         1850-1860, 33 x 25.5 cm,
                                                                                                         c. From album with
                                                                                                         11 images, anonymous,
                                                                                                         19th century, 22.5 x 32
                                                                                                         cm, The Hague Royal
                                                                                                         Academy of Fine Arts,
                                                                                                Z 53 (2).
                                                                                                         d. From set of 16,
                                                                                                         anonymous, Youqua (?),
                                                                                                         1840-1870, 20 x 12.5 cm,
                                                                                                         Museum Volkenkunde/
                                                                                                         Nationaal Museum van
                                                                                                         e. From album with 12
                                                                                                         images, anonymous,
                                                                                                         watercolour on pith
                                                                                                         paper, 1851-1856,
                    tenacious and the long-held idea in the Western  brushes, the choice of colour application, the
                                                                                                         27 x 18.5 cm,
                    world of the Chinese export painting production  question of adding accessories and compositional
                                                                                                         SAB-City Archives and
                    process. Reproductions have a negative    elements or not, or to establish a master-tutor
                                                                                                         Athenaeum Library
                    connotation in the West. The vision of Walter  relationship to train entrants in the field, are
                    Benjamin on printing techniques in The Work of  some of the other factors that transmitted their
                                                                                                DvT V.2.11.KL.
                    Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction  artistic originality and creativity.
                                                                                                         f. From set of 12,
                    (1936) has previously been indicative and   Several authors emphasise that, exceptionally,
                    influential. According to him, an artwork loses  early botanical watercolours as well as the less
                                                                                                         19th century, 12.5 x 9 cm,
                    its aura when it is reproduced using technical  stereotypical export landscapes were often
                                                                                                         Museum Volkenkunde/
                    means. Using templates and setting up     painted by one artist. Historical contemporary
                                                                                                         Nationaal Museum van
                    compositional lines before painting to shorten  observations would have us believe that,
                    the production process was only one thing.  generally, every artist working on a complete
                    Painters could show their skills through many  composition could choose elements from a
                    more practices. The option to use different size  collection of printed outlines: a boat, a person,
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