Page 20 - The Economist USA
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       20   United States                                                                                           The Economist April 25th 2020

         2 face masks had not been substantially re-                                                    prohibited interaction with Huawei during
           plenished in over a decade. Would-be at-                                                     the course of standard-setting, too. They
           tackers will take note.                                                                      worried that, in the course of discussion,
              Governments are also worried about a                                                      American-made technologies would in ef-
           new generation of biological threats. In                                                     fect be transferred to Huawei, placing their
           2016 American intelligence agencies sin-                                                     employer in breach of the rules.
           gled out genome editing as a national-se-                                                        That legal decision created a problem.
           curity threat for the first time. Two years                                                   Huawei plays a big role in setting standards
           later a major study by the National Acade-                                                   on artificial intelligence, 5g and other con-
           mies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medi-                                                     nectivity technologies, so avoiding inter-
           cine warned that synthetic biology, a po-                                                    actions with the firm while simultaneous-
           tent set of methods for tinkering with or                                                    ly getting involved in the rigorous nerdery
           creating organisms, could, in time, be used                                                  of standard-setting was impossible. As a
           to re-create viruses like smallpox or make                                                   result, some companies with American op-
           existing pathogens more dangerous, such                                                      erations have removed themselves from
           as resistant to antibiotics.                                                                 the standard-setting processes in which
              In 2011 Dutch and Japanese scientists                                                     they used to join. In areas where Huawei is
           said that they had created a version of bird                                                 active, this has left America voiceless in
           flu that could be transmitted between                                                         setting the tech rules of the future.
           mammals by the respiratory route—an an-                                                          The effect has been particularly acute at
           nouncement that prompted the Nether-                                                         standards bodies that convene outside
           lands to treat the relevant academic papers    The Hua-war                                   America, where the organisers are less in-
           as sensitive goods subject to export con-                                                    clined to make arrangements to accommo-
           trols. In January Canadian scientists fund- Some body to hold                                date firms that are subject to export-con-

           ed by an American biotech company used                                                       trol rules. At those meetings, in some
           synthetic dna from Germany to synthesise                                                     instances, Huawei and other Chinese com-
           a microbe closely related to smallpox, indi-                                                 panies have had a voice where American
           cating the ease with which it could be done.                                                 companies have not. Some, such as 3gpp, a
           “If a potential bad actor pursues a weapons                                                  body that deals with 5g, and ieee, an engi-
           capability using  sars-cov-2, the virus is     The fight with Huawei has diminished           neering body, have declared themselves to
                                                          America’s ability to shape tech rules
           now attainable in laboratories all around                                                    be “open” meetings, in an attempt to re-
           the world, and blueprints for assembling it       he process of setting standards at-        move liability from firms with American
           from scratch have been published in the Ttracts little attention, probably because           operations. But uncertainty persists.
           scientific literature,” notes Mr Pilch.         it is very boring. Its magi gather regularly to   Standards bodies with American opera-
              The trouble is that biodefence has          seek consensus on mind-numbing techni-        tions, such as the Wi-Fi Alliance in Austin,
           evolved slowly, says Dan Kaszeta, a former     cal details for the running of things like cell  Texas, or the Bluetooth Special Interest
           biological weapons adviser to the White        phone networks, artificial intelligence ser-   Group in Kirkland, Washington, have faced
           House. Compact devices that can detect         vices and global shipping. Meetings are ar-   their own version of the problem. Some
           chemical threats and warn soldiers to don a    ranged through bodies with names like iso     have excluded Huawei. While this does
           gas mask have long been available. “That       (International Organisation for Standardi-    mean that American companies can take
           doesn’t exist for anthrax or any of the other  sation) or 5gaa (the 5g Automotive Associ-    part in Huawei-free discussions, it threat-
           aerosol pathogens,” says Mr Kaszeta. “Tell-    ation, a specialist body focused on build-    ens to undermine the standards bodies’ le-
           ing the difference between an anthrax           ing 5gconnectivity into autonomous cars).     gitimacy as the single forum for the issues
           spore and a bit of tree pollen is not some-    There are hundreds of these things.           they cover. There is talk of competing bo-
           thing you can do in a couple of seconds.”         Standards are important, despite ap-       dies being set up outside America, to make
              Internationally, the issue is largely ne-   pearances. The internet protocol, written     truly global discussion possible.
           glected. “There’s no single facilitator in the  by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn in California in       American lawmakers have noticed. On
           un system for a high-consequence biologi-      1973, is the fundamental standard on which    April 14th a group of Republican senators
           cal event of unknown origin,” says Beth        the rest of the internet runs. Mr Cerf now    wrote to the Departments of Commerce,
           Cameron of the Nuclear Threat Initiative,      works for Google, and America holds sig-      Defence, Energy and State fretting that
           an ngo. The bwc, she says, operates on a       nificant sway over the net. Those who set      American companies had been locked out
           “shoe-string budget”.                          the rules for a piece of technical infrastruc-  of standards discussions on 5g and urging
              Military labs across the world are al-      ture, such as the internet, gain power over   the departments to fix it. The senators said
           ready heavily involved in the fight against     its future workings. This is why America      they were “deeply concerned” about the
           covid-19, but government money is a drop       worries about China’s growing contribu-       loss of soft power America derives from
           in the ocean compared with the billions of     tions to standards for 5g networks and oth-   standard-setting by American companies.
           dollars of private funds now being un-         er technologies. Yet for the past year tech-      Few in Washington disagree, yet the fix
           leashed against the virus. One hope is that    nology companies with operations in           is not straightforward. Tweaking rules in
           the crash efforts to develop better tests and   America have been frozen out of some          favour of engagement with Huawei is polit-
           a vaccine may yield so-called platform         standard-setting as an accidental conse-      ically unpalatable, even when that engage-
           technologies that would have utility not       quence of the American government’s at-       ment is in forums as innocuous and dull as
           only against coronavirus, but also a wide      tack on the Chinese tech giant, Huawei.       standards bodies. Meanwhile, Huawei is
           range of other biological threats. Anthrax,       This started with the addition of Hua-     still building 5g networks around the
           for instance, has a vaccine but requires a     wei to the entity list in May 2019. That made  world, networks which will carry the
           cumbersome five doses. The “holy grail”,        it illegal for any company to export pro-     whizzy internet services of the future. And
           says Mr Kaszeta, would be a broad-spec-        ducts to Huawei that had been made in         for almost a year, by its own hand, Ameri-
           trum antiviral or vaccine—a shield against     America. Tech-company lawyers looked at       ca’s best companies have been frozen out of
           natural and human foes alike. 7                the regulations and decided that the law      discussions which define that future. 7
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