Page 23 - The Economist USA
P. 23


            The Americas                                                                                            The Economist April 25th 2020    23

           Argentina                                                                                        On April  16th the economy minister,

           The Peronist and the pandemic                                                                 Martín Guzmán, demanded that creditors
                                                                                                         accept new securities to replace $65bn-
                                                                                                         worth of bonds, almost 40% of foreign-
                                                                                                         currency debt. This does not come out of
                                                                                                         the blue. Mr Macri had sought to stretch out
                                                                                                         debt payments. In appointing Mr Guzmán,
           BUENOS AIRES                                                                                  a specialist in debt negotiation, Mr Fernán-
           Covid-19 and debt restructuring will make or break the presidency of
           Alberto Fernández                                                                             dez made it clear that he would give greater
                                                                                                         priority to restoring growth than to paying
               ntil recently advisers to Argentina’s      recent poll by Poliarquía puts it at 81%. “I   creditors.
           Upresident, Alberto Fernández, quoted          didn’t think of him as a leader,” says Gabriel    The pandemic greatly increases the ur-
           the old saw that crisis brings opportunity.    Más, a farm worker. “I do now.”                gency. With revenue crushed by recession,
           Inaugurated in December, he is dealing            But both Mr Fernández and the country       the government is on track to run a primary
           with two calamities that no one can blame      he leads are entering a dangerous phase.       deficit, ie, before interest payments, of at
           him for: a deep recession inherited from       Pressure to ease the lockdown is building      least 4% of gdp this year. The Central Bank
           his predecessor, Mauricio Macri, and the       before the pandemic has peaked. And the        is printing money to keep the government
           covid-19 pandemic. Argentines give Mr Fer-     government has begun a gambit to support       going, which risks driving up inflation, al-
           nández high marks for his response. On be-     the economy that may end up weakening it       ready at 50%. Over the next two years Ar-
           coming president he raised taxes and froze     further. Success would be the making of his    gentina’s scheduled payments of foreign-
           pensions and salaries to stabilise public fi-   presidency and brighten the future of his      currency debt are nearly as large as its for-
           nances. He acted early to slow the spread of   Peronist political movement. Failure could     eign-exchange reserves of less than $44bn.
           covid-19, shutting borders, business and       be disastrous for both. “Will he be the crea-  “Argentina can’t pay [creditors] anything
           most transport by decree on March 12th.        tor of a new political hegemony, or author     right now,” says Mr Guzmán. So far,
           People who break the rules face fines and       of social chaos if he generates economic       though, bondholders are unsympathetic.
           prison sentences.                              havoc?” asked Jorge Fontevecchia, a media      Argentina’s demand “does not represent
              The lockdown is having an effect. On         mogul, in a newspaper column.                  the product of good-faith negotiations”,
           April 23rd Argentina had 3,288 confirmed                                                       complained one group that holds about
           cases of covid-19 and 159 deaths from it.           Also in this section                     16% of the debt.
           That is far fewer than in Spain, which has                                                       The mood in the Casa Rosada, the presi-
           roughly the same number of people               24 Bolivia’s surprisingly good wine           dential palace, is grim. Argentina may be
           (though it may be an underestimate). Mr         26 Bello: Cuba on the edge                    headed for its ninth default. “Between pan-
           Fernández’s approval rating has soared. A                                                     demic and debt, now maybe default, it      1
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