Page 26 - The Economist USA
P. 26


       26   The Americas                                                                                            The Economist April 25th 2020

         2 planting a hectare of vines is 20% higher      terest from European distributors and can-    tion of Winegrowing Industries predicted
           than in Mendoza, Argentina’s top wine-         not themselves afford to market and            volume would grow by 7% a year. Bolivian
           making region, says Luis Pablo Granier, a      distribute. To expand they would need to      producers are protected by tariffs on im-
           co-owner of Campos de Solana. Bolivian         buy more land. But arable land in Tarija      ports of up to 40%. But those encourage
           vineyards have one-third of Mendoza’s          suitable for irrigation is scarce and expen-  contraband wine, especially from Argenti-
           yield per hectare. Bolivia is landlocked, so   sive. Bolivian vintners have planted just     na. A third of wine consumed in Bolivia is
           freight costs are high. An overvalued cur-     4,000 hectares (10,000 acres), a fraction of  smuggled through the southern border.
           rency makes the Bolivians less competi-        Argentina’s 220,000 hectares of vineyards.        The temptation is to go down-market,
           tive. So the families agreed to make better       They hope that locals will develop more    especially after the economic shock from
           wines. Prodded by Mr van Casteren, they        of a thirst for the good stuff. Bolivia’s 11m  covid-19. But the Bolivians are loth to give
           bought oak casks for ageing and upgraded       people drink just 14m litres (3m gallons) of  up their newly won reputation for quality.
           irrigation systems. Prizes followed.           wine a year, a 20th of consumption in Bel-    “We’ve realised that is where our strength
              Big sales and high profits have not. Bo-     gium, which has the same number of peo-       is,” says Mr Granier. Now they have to con-
           livia’s producers are too small to attract in-  ple. Before covid-19, the National Associa-  vince oenophiles at home and abroad. 7

             Bello Cuba on the edge

             It is better placed to tackle covid-19 than to cope with its economic impact
               t is the dream of every exile to die in    als, confined vulnerable groups, shut          imports will fall to $9.1bn this year, from
            Ithe home country, but not in the             down educational facilities and suspend-      $11.7bn in 2015.
             circumstances of Víctor Batista Falla. A     ed interprovincial public transport.              Shutting borders has ended black-
             member of a wealthy banking family, he          Yet neither health care nor the econ-      market food imports, while the curbs on
             left his native Cuba in 1960 when Fidel      omy are what they were when Cuba en-          transport have cut domestic deliveries to
             Castro’s revolution moved towards            joyed lavish subsidies from the Soviet        Havana, the capital. The government
             communism. He devoted his life to            Union. The health system has suffered          lacks sufficient supplies to add items to
             publishing the work of exiled writers and    spending cuts, the loss of doctors who no     the state ration-book all Cubans receive.
             thinkers, especially of social-democratic    longer practise because of low official         There are long queues outside meagrely
             and liberal persuasions. Last month he       salaries, and shortages of supplies.          stocked state supermarkets. Miguel
             visited Cuba for the first time in 60 years.  Drought and poor infrastructure have led      Díaz-Canel, who replaced Fidel’s brother,
             On April 12th he died, aged 87, in a Ha-     to water shortages. There is another risk     Raúl, as Cuba’s president two years ago,
             vana hospital, of covid-19. He had prob-     factor: almost 20% of Cubans are over 60,     admitted this month that social dis-
             ably brought it with him from Madrid,        more than anywhere else in Latin America.     tancing has been hard to impose and
             where he had lived for decades.                 So covid-19 poses a severe test, just as it  complained of the “indiscipline and
                Since the 1990s Cuba has been open to     does elsewhere in Latin America. It comes     irresponsibility” of some Cubans.
             mass tourism and family visits. It is not    when Cuba’s economy was already under             Worse may be in store. At the front of
             surprising that it is vulnerable to co-      great strain. Cuba failed to reform even as   Cubans’ minds is fear of another “special
             vid-19, like the rest of Latin America and   the United States, under Donald Trump,        period”, as Fidel Castro called it, when
             the Caribbean. As of April 23rd it had       has stepped up sanctions and Venezuela,       the economy shrank by 35% in the early
             reported 1,189 cases and 40 deaths. In       Cuba’s ally, has cut subsidised oil.          1990s with the end of Soviet aid. That
             proportion to its population, that is           These pressures have exacerbated the       came with widespread power cuts and
             similar to Argentina’s caseload.             state-dominated economy’s chronic in-         other shortages. Pavel Vidal, a Cuban
                Even as it has failed to offer Cubans      ability to generate foreign exchange. The     economist at the Javeriana University in
             prosperity or freedom, communism has         closure of the tourist industry makes that    Cali, Colombia, reckons that gdp could
             provided them with good health. For          even worse. The Economist Intelligence        fall by around 10% this year. Although
             decades the regime has overproduced          Unit, our sister company, reckons that        the plunge in global oil prices will help,
             doctors and spent more than the regional                                                   Cuba will still need shipments from
             average on health care as a share of gdp.                                                  Venezuela. “On that depends whether or
             That has paid off in another way, too.                                                      not there are power cuts and another
             Sending health professionals abroad                                                        special period,” he says.
             generates 46% of the island’s export                                                           The Trump administration, in which
             earnings, not to mention diplomatic                                                        Cuban-Americans play a significant role,
             prestige. (The state, for which they all                                                   is counting on tightening pressure to
             work, keeps most of their foreign wages.)                                                  cause the collapse of communism. That
                A particular Cuban strength is the                                                      is unlikely. In its island fastness, with its
             health system’s ability, characteristic of a                                               mixture of coercion and paternalism, the
             dictatorship, to mobilise the population                                                   regime Fidel created has outlasted not
             for public-health action. The govern-                                                      just him but the lifelong resistance of
             ment prepared for the virus as early as                                                    people like Mr Batista. The immediate
             January. When cases were reported from                                                     result of Mr Trump’s reversal of Barack
             March 11th it was quick to isolate the                                                     Obama’s opening towards Cuba was to
             patients, and trace and test their con-                                                    halt a cautious process of market reform.
             tacts. On March 20th, with only 21con-                                                     Coronavirus is likely to push it off the
             firmed cases, it banned all tourist arriv-                                                  agenda altogether.
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