Page 21 - The Economist USA
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The Economist April 25th 2020 United States 21
Catholic voters Though the former vice-president has
said he supports Roe v Wade, the Supreme
Cathechismic Court ruling which in 1973 made abortion a
constitutional right, he has, for most of the
past four decades, supported the Hyde
Amendment, which bans the use of federal
money for abortions. In 2019, to align him-
self with an ever more progressive Demo-
WASHINGTON, DC cratic Party, he changed his mind on
The president’s re-election campaign makes its pitch to Catholic voters
that—a reversal Catholics for Trump is
he trump campaign’s big push to woo en him in personal tragedy. That could play keen to exploit. During its online launch,
TCatholics, who helped elect the presi- well with both devout and non-observant Mercedes Schlapp, a former White House
dent in 2016, did not get off to a great start cultural Catholics. communications adviser, described Mr Bi-
in 2020. Even before the kick-off rally for Yet the Trump campaign hopes that the den as “an extremist” on abortion.
“Catholics for Trump”, scheduled for mid- chief issue on which it means to appeal to Yet abortion may not be quite the
March, became one of the first political ca- Catholics—abortion—will also be its most clinching issue for Catholics that Mr
sualties of social distancing, a high-profile powerful weapon against Mr Biden. The Trump hopes. Catholic Republican politi-
church leader in an important swing state transformation of the president, who in cians and the United States Conference of
had given the outfit a gentle kicking. On 1999 described himself as “very pro- Catholic Bishops (usccb) paint it as a vot-
learning that the organisation was plan- choice,” into an anti-abortion warrior has ing issue of singular importance. But even
ning to launch in his city, Archbishop Je- endeared him to some Catholic groups that within the church hierarchy there is dis-
rome Listecki of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, once criticised him., agreement about that. At a recent meeting
who had previously criticised the presi- which in 2016 condemned Mr Trump after of the usccb, a row broke out after a liberal
dent’s immigration policies, declared that the release of footage in which he boasted group of bishops argued that its character-
the church was “in no way affiliated to or of groping women, is mobilising Catholics isation of abortion as the “pre-eminent” is-
sponsoring this event or campaign, locally, to vote for him. Tim Huelskamp, a former sue” (not official church teaching) should
statewide or nationally”. Republican congressman from Kansas, be scrapped from its voter-guidance docu-
That is unlikely to deter the organisers who is involved with both organisations, ment. Though the guide does not tell Cath-
of Catholics for Trump, which was says that while some areas of church teach- olics how to vote, its emphasis on abortion,
launched this month as a mostly digital ef- ing require interpretation, when it comes echoed by many priests from the pulpit,
fort. The group, whose advisory board in- to abortion, “the teaching is the policy”. can look like a nudge to vote Republican.
cludes Newt Gingrich, a prominent conser- Another high-profile anti-abortion cru-
vative convert, is not trying to reach all sader in Catholics for Trump is Frank Pa- Presidential absolution
Catholics. That is because there is no ho- vone, a priest and national director of The row illustrates the two strains in the
mogenous “Catholic vote” in America. Priests for Life, who in 2016 posted a video American church: one that emphasises
Rather, members of the country’s single on social media in which he asked for votes personal morality, chiefly characterised by
biggest religious group vote along a hotch- for Mr Trump while standing behind an al- opposition to gay marriage and abortion,
potch of social and demographic lines. tar on which he had claimed to have placed and another, promoted by Pope Francis,
Most notably, African-American and His- the body of an aborted fetus. Mr Biden, by that focuses on issues of social justice, like
panic Catholics lean Democratic while contrast, has a nuanced view of abortion: the plight of immigrants. The strength of
white Catholics lean Republican. he dislikes it but does not want to make it both traditions in America means that
The president’s desire to appeal to white illegal. This has earned him criticism on Catholics minded to follow church teach-
Catholics is especially pressing because both sides of the abortion debate. ing could vote for either party.
they constitute a crucial constituency in In fact, when it comes to voting, few
the rustbelt states he won by a narrow mar- Catholics pay much heed to what their
gin in 2016. Nationally, Catholics consti- church tells them, even on abortion. When
tute 22% of the population. In Wisconsin, asked by researchers from Public Religion
which Mr Trump won by around 20,000 Research Institute if they would plump for
votes, 1.7m people—29% of the population a candidate who shared their views on
is Catholic. Pennsylvania, which Mr Trump abortion, less than one-quarter of white
won by fewer than 50,000 votes, has 3.6m Catholics or Hispanic Catholics said they
Catholics. Though whites will soon be a would do so.
minority among American Catholics, they In a closely fought battle, that minority
are a strong majority in these states. could make a critical difference. But it also
Mr Trump cannot rely on their support. suggests that the appeal of Mr Trump for
White Catholics vote Republican by a white Catholics is not so very different
smaller margin than white Protestants do. from his appeal for other white Americans.
Some heavily Catholic counties in rustbelt The online chat that constituted Catholics
states that voted Republican in 2016 did so for Trump’s launch suggested as much. It
for the first time. They could flip back. began with a discussion about how well Mr
The president’s courtship of Catholics is Trump was tackling “the Chinese coronavi-
made more urgent by the fact that he will rus” and progressed to an analysis of how
face one in November. Joe Biden makes fre- the president’s values, exemplified in his
quent allusions to his Catholicism on the immigration policies, which protected
trail—especially when he is in areas with families and neighbourhoods, were in fact
significant Catholic populations—includ- “Catholic values”. Mr Biden might also
ing to his Catholic schooling, his fondness claim to represent Catholic values, albeit
for nuns, and the succour his faith has giv- Drive-thru confession rather different ones. 7