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       30   Asia                                                                                                    The Economist April 25th 2020

           India on lockdown                              them twenty years ago.                        Ignoring covid-19 in Central Asia
                                                             Then again, the lockdown has had a
           Impossible sums                                crippling effect on many Indians’ liveli- What pandemic?
                                                          hoods. Unemployment has shot up shock-
                                                          ingly, from 8% at the beginning of March to
                                                          26% in mid-April, according to the Centre
                                                          for Monitoring the Indian Economy, a re-
           DELHI                                          search group. Nomura, an investment           ALMATY
           The fight against covid-19 brings                                                             It’s business as usual in Tajikistan and
                                                          bank, has reduced its expectations for gdp
           dizzying costs and unexpected benefits                                                        Turkmenistan
                                                          growth from a limp 4.5% to a painful -0.5%.
               eporters in india’s capital recently       One estimate suggests an extra 100m peo-        t takes more than a global pandemic to
           Rdiscovered hundreds of stranded mi-           ple could fall below the World Bank’s pov- Ifaze the sports-mad, world-record-ob-
           grants, their jobs lost in the coronavirus     erty line of $3.20 a day.                     sessed president of Turkmenistan. Last
           lockdown, living under a bridge on the            Such are the contradictions of India’s     year, at his instigation, the gas-rich desert
           banks of the Yamuna river. Even though the     battle with the epidemic. While there may     country marked World Bicycle Day by set-
           scene was tragic, the surroundings were        well be a plunge in the 20,000 Indians who    ting a record for the longest cycling parade.
           much more pleasant than usual. In the cur-     die every month in car accidents, there may   This month, to celebrate World Health Day
           rent dry season the river is normally a fetid,  also be a jump in the 30,000 who perish      on April 7th, Gurbanguly Berdymukhame-
           inky sewer. At the moment, however, it is      from tuberculosis, since the lockdown has     dov, who is known to Turkmenistan’s 6m
           miraculously clean. The closure of indus-      made it much harder to get treatment.         citizens as  Arkadag, or “the Protector”,
           tries upstream, says the city’s water board,   Crime has fallen dramatically; reported       wheeled out 7,000 cyclists for what may yet
           means that for the first time in years the Ya-  rapes in Delhi are down by 83%.               qualify as the most reckless celebration of
           muna has enough oxygen to sustain life.           Indians themselves seem to think the       public health ever undertaken. Even as he
              With more than 20,000 confirmed              lockdown is sensible. A poll conducted by     sent his own people to pedal in huge packs,
           cases and close to 700 dead, India is not yet  the National Council of Applied Economic      however, the Protector was protective of
           one of the worst-hit countries. That dis-      Research, a think-tank, found that 55% of     his own health, whizzing around a desert-
           tinction may still come, but the strict lock-  respondents in Delhi had seen their in-       ed track in Ashgabat, his marble-clad capi-
           down imposed since March 25th has              comes shrink sharply since it began, and      tal, first in splendid isolation and then in
           slowed the spread of the virus markedly.       another 30% somewhat. Yet a resounding        the company of a few select officials.
           Without it, some half a million Indians        87% also said they still supported the gov-       Turkmenistan is one of only a handful
           would now have the disease, reckons Jaya-      ernment when it recently extended the         of countries in the world that claims to
           prakash Muliyil, an epidemiologist. By         controls by three weeks.                      have no cases of covid-19. Also present on
           mid-June, he surmises, covid-19 could have        Indeed, the government may be the one      that exclusive list is Tajikistan, another
           killed 2.5m people, about as many as would     unquestionable beneficiary of the policy.      Central Asian state ruled by a narcissistic
           normally die from all causes over the per-     Before covid-19 it faced mounting discon-     president who likes to present his country
           iod. From doubling every three days, the       tent over the weak economy, as well as        as a trouble-free paradise. In March Emo-
           number of active cases is now doubling ev-     protests over policies that were seen as an   mali Rahmon cocked a snook at social-dis-
           ery eight. V.K. Paul, a government health      assault on secularism. But then the epi-      tancing norms by herding thousands of his
           expert, says that by May that rate should      demic forced protesters off the streets, and   countrymen together for an all-singing,
           drop to every ten days. “We have bought        saved the government’s face when it sus-      all-dancing spectacle to celebrate Nowruz,
           time,” says a weary doctor in Mumbai, In-      pended a controversial tally of citizens that  a holiday marking the spring equinox. Sim-
           dia’s hardest-hit city, describing efforts to   might have prompted further unrest. And       ilar festivities had been cancelled all across
           build up medical capacity. “We started with    now, of course, all India’s economic trou-    the region—apart from Turkmenistan, of
           a broken bicycle, but we’ve got a wobbly       bles, including those resulting from bad      course. Tajikistan and Turkmenistan are
           motorbike going now, and might even bang       government policies, can be blamed on a       also allowing football matches to continue.
           together a workable auto-rickshaw.”            deadly virus from China. 7                    In Tajikistan they take place without spec-
              It is not just to the potential victims of                                                tators, but in Turkmenistan hundreds of
           covid-19 that the lockdown has brought a                                                     fans crowded into a stadium in Ashgabat
           reprieve. In ordinary times, air pollution                                                   when the season resumed last weekend
           kills at least 1.2m Indians a year. That is                                                  after a brief covid-related hiatus.
           more than it kills in China, where research                                                      Turkmenistan is not in complete deni-
           by Marshall Burke, an environmental sci-                                                     al: it has closed its borders to foreigners
           entist at Stanford University, suggests that                                                 (they were never that open in the first
           cleaner air during its own covid-19 lock-                                                    place) and quarantined returning travel-
           down may have saved 17 times more lives                                                      lers, in some cases in tents in the desert.
           than the (official) number lost to the virus.                                                  Tajikistan has also isolated travellers and
           Another study in China, measuring the ef-                                                    conducted thousands of tests, all of which
           fect on health of Beijing’s curbs on pollu-                                                  have officially returned negative results. It
           tion during the 2008 Olympics, reckons                                                       admits there has been a spike in respiratory
           that every 10% fall in pollution led to an 8%                                                ailments, but says that the cause is bad
           drop in deaths from all causes. The plunge                                                   weather, not the coronavirus. One particu-
           in air pollution in India has been no less                                                   lar death that had been the subject of ru-
           dramatic. At one monitoring station in                                                       mours was the result of swine flu and
           central Delhi, levels of nitrogen dioxide are                                                pneumonia, it insists.
           85% lower than in recent years.  nasa,                                                           Mr Rahmon has suggested that Tajiks’
           America’s space agency, says that across In-                                                 high standards of hygiene will stand them
           dia levels of suspended aerosols are lower                                                   in good stead in the battle against the
           than at any time since it started measuring    The Yamuna, pre- and post-lockdown            coronavirus, should it ever arrive in their  1
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