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            Asia                                                                                                    The Economist April 25th 2020    27

           When the epidemic is over                                                                     keep up extensive testing and vigorous

           A process of elimination                                                                      contact-tracing using security-camera
                                                                                                         footage, credit-card statements and mo-
                                                                                                         bile-phone location data. The movements
                                                                                                         of confirmed cases are made public, worry-
                                                                                                         ing privacy activists and adulterers alike.
                                                                                                         Australia, too, promises “aggressive sup-
                                                                                                         pression” using contact-tracing and one of
           NELSON, NEW ZEALAND                                                                           the highest rates of testing in the world.
           Several countries appear to be beating covid-19. What happens next?
                                                                                                         New Zealand is going one step further. It
               f all the new rules police in Australia    beaches (for swimming and surfing only)         has set itself the goal of eliminating the vi-
           Oand New Zealand have found them-              and will soon resume elective surgeries,       rus entirely from its shores.
           selves trying to enforce in recent weeks,      dental care and fertility treatment. South        The benefits of elimination are clear.
           one of the trickiest has been preventing       Korea is allowing domestic tourism, al-        Whereas many countries risk a debilitating
           surfing. Officers have had, on occasion, to       though one county cut down fields of tu-        cycle of lockdowns, gradual reopenings
           wade into the water to remonstrate with        lips to avoid attracting the usual crowds of   and then fresh restrictions as the outbreak
           wave-catching scofflaws, many of whom            sightseers. Taiwan, remarkably, never shut     waxes and wanes, New Zealand’s govern-
           scaled fences or clambered down cliffs to       all schools, restaurants or bars.              ment believes it may soon be able to send
           ride the breakers. Deliverance is at hand,        In all four places officials caution that     Kiwis young and old back to work without
           however—in more than one sense. Restric-       life is not going back to normal yet. For one  fear that the number of cases might start to
           tions on surfing are being eased, since the     thing, there can be no letting down their      surge again. “The recovery could be
           new coronavirus appears to be under con-       guard. The authorities have warned that a      smoother and less hampered than in other
           trol in both countries.                        second wave of the virus may hit in winter.    places,” says Shamubeel Eaqub, an econo-
              In New Zealand, a country of 5m people,     To ward that off, South Korea intends to        mist. Schools, shops and restaurants could
           new cases have been in the single digits for                                                  operate without special social-distancing
           most of the past week. Australia reported           Also in this section                      requirements. The rugby season could be-
           just seven new infections on April 23rd.                                                      gin, with matches in front of live audiences
           That puts the pair in the very small group of   28 Making moonshine in Sri Lanka              (to the relief of bored sports fans around
           countries that seem to have vanquished co-      30 India’s costly lockdown                    the world).
           vid-19, including South Korea and, barring                                                       All this would in theory provide the sort
           a fresh wave of infections from a recent        30 Ignoring covid-19 in Central Asia          of clarity for businesses which seems like a
           outbreak on a naval vessel, Taiwan. Austra-     32 Banyan: Whaling in Japan                   pipe-dream elsewhere. Hiring and invest-
           lia has already reopened some popular                                                         ment would presumably revive much more     1
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