Page 22 - Photoshop for Lightroom Users – Scott Kelby 2nd Edition
P. 22

Step Five:
               Now that you can see all four corner points, click on one and drag inward to resize the image down and move it under the right side of the type (as seen
               here). You can reposition the image you’re resizing without committing to the resize by just moving your cursor inside the bounding box and clicking-and-
               dragging it. When it’s at the size and location you want, just click anywhere outside the bounding box to confirm your resize. Now, look at the layer stack
               (that’s what we call layers stacked above the background) in the Layers panel. At the bottom, our Background layer is the first image we brought over from
               Lightroom; floating above that is the Northern Italy Type layer (thankfully, Type layers are automatically named with their first few words, making it easy
               to see which is which); then the “photography by scott kelby” layer; and lastly, this new smaller image layer. If you took the Move tool (V) and dragged
               that smaller image up higher, it would cover “photography by scott kelby,” and if you went even higher, part of Northern Italy, too. That’s because it’s on
               the top layer in the stack. Try doing that yourself, so you see what I mean. Then, in the Layers panel, click-and-drag the “photography by scott kelby” layer
               above the small-image layer, and that type now appears over the small image. That’s right—you can change the order of the layers in a stack by clicking-
               and-dragging them up/down.
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