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Human Rights Policy
5. Human Rights Practices
The Company recognizes and respects the human rights of employees and stakeholders
involved in its business operations. Therefore, human rights practices have been incorporated as
part of the Company’s business operations in all areas throughout the business value chain.
The Company has established management guidelines and a comprehensive Human Rights Due
Diligence (HRDD) process to prevent the risk of human rights violations arising from its business
activities. This includes the identification and assessment of actual or potential human rights
risks and impacts from the Company’s operations, as well as related business activities.
Additionally, measures have been put in place to prevent, mitigate, or address impacts from
human rights violations. The Company ensures monitoring and reporting of the operational
results and has also established remedial measures for stakeholders affected by or connected
to the Company. Furthermore, a channel for receiving complaints and a mechanism for handling
human rights-related complaints is available for employees and stakeholders. Protection
measures for whistleblowers are provided, in accordance with the Company’s Whistleblowing
In addition, the Company regularly communicates, disseminates, and assesses
knowledge and understanding of the Human Rights Policy among employees and stakeholders.
This aims to raise awareness about respecting human rights and preventing violations that may
arise from operations, as well as fostering ethical and moral business practices. The Company
strives to ensure that everyone is treated in line with its human rights principles,
with comprehensive management guidelines covering all stakeholder groups as follows:
The Company has established a human resource management policy to support fair
treatment and respect for human rights. It is committed to promoting good labor practices,
managing employee safety and health, and creating a positive working environment.
The Company also aims to provide opportunities for career advancement and continuous
skill development in alignment with its business strategy, as outlined below:
• The Company includes human rights in its code of conduct and business ethics,
supporting and respecting the protection of human rights by refraining from
involvement in human rights violations. Employees are provided with a clear
understanding of human rights to ensure they can act accordingly.
Corporate Sustainability Integration Department I Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL 5