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Human Rights Policy
• The Company recognizes and respects the human rights of its employees and places
great importance on managing diversity within the organization. It treats all
employees equally and fairly, without discrimination based on race, skin color,
religion, gender, age, nationality, citizenship, sexual orientation, disability, or
any other status. The use of child labor below the legal age and illegal labor is strictly
prohibited. The Company upholds human rights principles to prevent discrimination
of any kind, while fostering a culture that embraces diversity. This includes recruiting
employees based on their capabilities, continuous employee development,
and promoting equal opportunities for career progression.
• The Company provides fair employment and remuneration for employees and
promotes appropriate working conditions. Employee benefits are regularly reviewed
to ensure they align with the evolving social, economic, and lifestyle conditions.
• The Company treats its employees humanely, free from violence, sexual harassment,
physical or mental threats, or verbal abuse. It ensures a safe working environment
so that employees can maintain a good quality of life and work without compromising
their physical or mental health.
• The Company respects employees' rights and freedoms of expression in accordance
with applicable laws and regulations.
• The Company has established systematic channels for receiving complaints and
recommendations from employees. It manages these complaints appropriately and
provides remedies in cases of human rights violations.
• The Company respects the rights of its customers and treats them fairly, without
discrimination, and does not engage in any practices that violate the principles of
fair customer service.
• The Company recognizes that fair access to life and health insurance services is
a fundamental right of customers. As such, the Company has established a market
conduct policy to ensure that customers receive fair service, with their best interests
as the priority (fair dealing). This policy encompasses transparent, fair, quality,
and accountable business practices, covering product development and issuance,
selection of sales representatives and distribution channels, sales processes, the use
of technology in sales, customer service, life insurance claim payments, complaint
management, and the safeguarding of customer information.
Corporate Sustainability Integration Department I Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL 6