Page 18 - 11.นโยบายสิทธิมนุษยชน
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Human Rights Policy

                   •  The Company respects the rights of data owners and prioritizes the protection of
                       customers' personal data. A personal data protection policy, along with regulations
                       and a manual for personal data management, has been implemented. Measures are

                       in  place  to  ensure  that  Company  personnel  comply  with  data  protection  laws
                       and policies, and personal data is not used unlawfully. The Company enforces strict

                       measures to secure information following international standards and relevant laws
                       to ensure proper and appropriate management of customer data, without violating
                       their privacy.

                   •  The  Company  provides  systematic  channels  for  receiving  customer  complaints

                       and  service  suggestions,  with  appropriate  management  of  such  complaints,
                       as well as remedies in cases of human rights violations.


                   •  The  Company  encourages  its  suppliers  to  conduct  business  transparently  and
                       maintains a procurement process that is transparent and fair to all parties involved.

                   •  The  Company  has  set  various  social  factors,  such  as  fair  trade,  human  rights,
                       fair  wages  and  benefits,  reasonable  working  hours,  labor  protection,  and

                       the prohibition of forced labor, as criteria for selecting suppliers. Compliance with
                       safety  and  occupational  health  laws  is  also  a  requirement.  These  conditions  are
                       included  in  contracts,  and  suppliers  must  adhere  to  human  rights  principles  and

                       follow  relevant  laws  and  regulations  while  conducting  their  business,  with
                       consideration for stakeholders under good corporate governance principles.

                   •  The Company evaluates environmental and social impacts, assessing risks and impacts
                       on  human  rights.  It  will  take  appropriate  action  to  mitigate  these  impacts.

                       All suppliers  must  undergo  a  thorough evaluation,  and  the  Company  encourages
                       them to conduct business with consideration for the impact on communities and

                       society. Moreover, suppliers must manage the environment at their operations in
                       compliance  with  legal  requirements  and  government  regulations,  avoiding  any
                       negative impact on the environment.

               Business Partners

                   •  The Company emphasizes supporting business partners in aligning their operations
                       with legal requirements, principles, practices, and human rights standards.

             Corporate Sustainability Integration Department I Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL            7
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