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Human Rights Policy
3. Scope
This Human Rights Policy applies to all operations of the Company, including
subsidiaries and joint ventures under the Company’s management control. It also includes
operations involving employees and stakeholders, as well as actions by agents acting on
behalf of the Company. Employees and stakeholders are encouraged to acknowledge and
implement this policy in a unified direction.
Furthermore, the Company supports and promotes its business partners over which
the Company has no direct management control, such as joint ventures and other entities in
which the Company holds an investment, as well as suppliers and other related parties
throughout the entire business value chain to be aware of and operate with respect for
human rights, as stipulated by national and international laws, regulations, and standards on
human rights.
4. Definition
Human rights refer to the inherent rights of every human being, regardless of
physical or mental differences, race, nationality, origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, language,
age, skin color, education, social status, culture, customs, or any other distinction.
These rights also include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery, torture,
human trafficking, abuse, forced labor, and child labor, freedom of expression, the right to
work, fair working hours, equal pay, education, as well as other rights such as personal data
protection, health, and safety. Everyone is entitled to these rights equally and without
discrimination, managed through the acceptance and promotion of diversity and individual
Discrimination refers to the unfair treatment of individuals by imposing unequal
burdens or denying equal benefits, instead of treating individuals justly based on the rights
to which each person is entitled. Discrimination may also include harassment.
Harassment refers to any unwelcome remarks or actions that are generally accepted
as undesirable in interactions with others. Non-sexual harassment may include defamation
and bullying, while sexual harassment involves conduct of a sexual nature.
Employees refer to all levels of executives and employees working under
an employment contract with the Company.
Stakeholders refer to employees, agents, customers, suppliers, and all those involved
in the Company’s business.
Corporate Sustainability Integration Department I Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL 4