Page 103 - KyYeu100Nam
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•   A house, large enough to be of a comfortable dwelling for the Sisters to live
                          for service
                      •    In 1938, Rev. Fasseaux had a maternity hospital built to assist in childbirth.
                      The  next  day,  3/04/1927,  there  were  nearly  300  patients  coming  for  service.
                      And after more than 92 years of foundation, The Daughters of Mary Immaculate
                      still  stay  for  service  and  continue  the  apostolic  mission  that  our  founder  and
                      predecessors  have  dearly  sown  in  Nuoc  Ngot    (we  could  count  numerous
                      authocthon vocations -priests and religious from Nuoc Ngot ... Our Mother House
                      Choir Director came from Nuoc Ngot, and her younger brother is a priest).

                      Dedication of our New Chapel

                      The  Congregation  was  founded  for  over  10  years;    the  numbers  of  sisters
                      outgrew its old little chapel.  Sister Superior Marie Therese invited the sisters to
                      pray devotedly and make sacrifices so that our dear Lord gives us a new chapel.
                      Fortunately, our benefactors Mr. and Mrs. Le Phat An listened to our request and
                      had Mr. Nguyen van Nghi – a famous builder of Hue at that time- build us a large,
                      beautiful and majestic Chapel, surpassing that of our desire and imaginary wish
                      (some materials even came from France). On August 15/1931, the Congregation
                      organized a Solemn Mass for Profession of Vows, and for the Dedication of the
                      New Chapel as well.  Since then, the Congregation has been very happy to have
                      a beautiful “Palace” for the Blessed Sacrament, the Sacred Liturgy, and for the
                      whole Congregation to pray the daily Office of the Hours as well as devotional
                      prayers, all year round... In the letter to the Mission Etrangere de Paris (MEP) dated
                      12/25/1931, the founder Msgr. Eugene Marie Joseph Allys wrote : “The Chapel that
                      Mr. and Mrs. Le Phat An offered is large and very beautiful.  This Congregation
                      sincerely wishes to live their consecrated life “.

                      Death of the Founder and His Associate

                      From the year of 1931, the Founder Msgr. Eugene Marie Joseph and his Associate
                      Father Alexandre Paul Marie Chabanon could not be as present and close to our
                      sisters as they were before.  The Founder was blind while his Associate Msgr.
                      Chabanon had to carry out the heavy responsibility of bishop in charge of Hue
                      Diocese, unable to take the time to come and teach our sisters, although they
                      were very concerned about the new Congregation they founded.
                      On 4/23/1936, Msgr. Eugene Mary Joseph Allys said goodbye to us all and went
                      to the Father’s Home.  Our Sisters deeply suffered of His loss. And then, not long
                      after our Founder’s death, on 6/4/1936, our Congregation received the bad news
                      that Msgr. Chabanon died in Marseille, France while he was on His way Home to
                      take care of His sickness.   Mourning and suffering the loss of the two biggest and
                      dearest Fathers in one year  was very hard to bear for our Sisters...  Again, two
                      greatest LOSSES in one year!  too big was their grievance !  However, they have

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