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had faith in the Lord and the conviction that their two fathers intercede for their
                 “daughters” and the Congregation they had founded...,   that they had certainly
                 prayed so that their “Daughters” fight good battles to stay faithful to the God of
                 their hearts, and to the charism of the Congregation they founded.

                 Process of Writing the Rules of Life (the Constitution)

                 On 9/16/1921  Msgr. Eugene Marie Joseph  Allys the Founder and Rev. Chabanon
                 as Father Superior, paid a visit to the Congregation.  Rev. Chabanon called up
                 Sr. Ane Thay and gave her a draft of the  Rules of Life and promissed to explain
                 them little by little.  Msgr. Allys the Founder kept recommending the Sisters to
                 put them into practice and learn to love them, as The Rules of Life is the Sisters’
                 On 8/07/1922, Rev. Chabanon nominated Sister Agathe Luong Thi Thuong to be
                 Sister Superior, although she was only 23 years of age, and had not yet made her
                 Temporary Vows.  He gave her the Completed Rules of Life that he just finished
                 writing.  He had not only completed them, but also had himself handwritten
                 them and added the explanation part to it.  The Sisters were very happy to have
                 received it.
                 Father  Paul  Le  Van  Dau,  Superior  of  the  Congregation  from  1948  to  1958,
                 after having studied and researched for many years on The First Rules of Life,
                 the Spirituality, the Charism and the Mission of the Congregation, had finished
                 preparing a  Constitution Book, a Bye-Law Book (internal regulations), and a Book
                 on Customs and Practices ... On Decemver 08,1956, Msgr. Urrutia Thi, Bishop
                 of  the  Diocese  of  Hue,  gave  the  Congregation  the  permission  to  live  by  the
                 Constitution on a trial basis.
                 The Vatican Council II, closing in 1965, a driving force of the Holy Spirit, strongly hit
                 the door of all the Congregations. The Daughters of Mary Immaculate Congregation
                 also, having  been shaken at its roots, had committed itself to the task of rewriting
                 its Constitution (later called The Rules of Life).  This enterprise had spread over 28
                 years with 11 conference meetings of the Committee in charge.  It started in 1969
                 under the Office of  the General Superior Sr. Mary Claudia Cong Tang Ton Nu Thi
                 Luyen, continued to shape with Sr. General Superior Mary Gonzague Do  Thi Tung,
                 and was completed under Sister General Superior Marie Cephas Tran Thi Diep in
                 1997. The Congregation has been deeply grateful to have had excellent experts
                 to help us on this difficult task. They were :  bishop Bartholomew Nguyen Son
                 Lam, Fr. Tran Tu Nhan, Superior of the Redemptorists,  Brother Lucien Hoang Gia
                 Quang, Dirctector of the Scholastic Division of the Brothers of Catholic Schools
                 in Vietnam, Fr.Vuong Dinh Bich of The Virgin Mary Mother of the Poor “La Vierge
                 Des Pauvres” and Father Vuong Dinh Khoi, Provincial Superior of the Franciscans
                 in Vietnam.
                 On 02/02/1997 , feast of the Presentation of Jesus into the Temple, Archbishop
                 Stephan Nguyen Nhu The, then Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of

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