Page 14 - Vistra Demo
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MYHEALTH TOOLS                        Airrosti
                                           We continue to partner with Airrosti to help you quickly eliminate chronic
                                           aches, pains and injuries. Airrosti providers are experts at resolving
                                           injuries in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost of many
                                           other treatments.

                                           Airrosti Incentives
                                           MyHealth HSA members pay $25 per visit for a maximum of four visits.
                                           You will receive a company contribution of up to $200 to your HSA
              Wherever You Hurt,           account to pay the remainder of the visit cost. Airrosti is in the BlueCross
                Airrosti Can Help          BlueShield network, therefore, you may continue treatment beyond four
                                           visits and submit the visits as a standard medical claim. After four visits,
                                           you will be responsible for the full cost of additional treatments until your
                                           deductible is met. Once your deductible is met, you’ll pay a $25 copay per
                                           visit, plus 20% of the remaining Airrosti fee until you meet your out-of-
                                           pocket maximum.
           Headaches       Back Pain
                                           All family members are eligible to use Airrosti. Call 1-800-404-6050 or
                                           visit to schedule your visit.

                                           Livongo for Diabetes
          Shoulder Pain   Elbow Pain       If you have diabetes, our new diabetes management program can help
                                           you manage it successfully — at no cost to you. Livongo includes:
                                           •  A touchscreen, easy-to-use blood glucose monitoring system

                                           •  Unlimited supplies, including test strips and lancets
            Knee Pain     Ankle Sprain     •  One-on-one coaching

                                           •  Easy sharing of your digital logbook
                                           If you have diabetes, visit or
                                           call 800-945-4355 to learn more. (Use registration code EFH.)
          Carpal Tunnel    Hip Pain
                                           Pregnancy Support
                                           Expecting a baby? Congratulations. Taking care of your health now
                                           becomes more important than ever. The Special Beginnings program
                                           through BlueCross BlueShield offers you educational information
                                           and support throughout your pregnancy to help you and your baby
                                          stay healthy. Call 888-421-7781 to enroll as soon as you find out
                                          you’re pregnant. You must enroll in your first trimester to receive a $200
                                          gift card.

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