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MyHealth HSA Plan Overview
Helping you live a long, successful and healthy life is our priority. MYHEALTH HSA PLAN
Investing in your health is also the best way to keep healthcare
costs down, which is why the MyHealth HSA Plan rewards our
employees and their spouses who do just that.
You can earn company funding by completing certain preventive
health activities. Here is what you (and your covered spouse, if
applicable) need to do:
• Visit your personal physician for an annual physical. Your
doctor should complete the annual physical form during your
exam. The annual physical form can be found on HR Services
on Connect and on the Compass GetConnected! site. Fax the
completed form, with your doctor’s signature, to Compass’
secure fax line at 972-865-8164 or email it to Compass’ secure
inbox at
• Get recommended age and gender screenings. Check
the Compass GetConnected! site or contact our Compass
MyHealth Pros to help determine your individual needs for
preventive screenings. New for 2017: Covered spouses
are eligible for company HSA funding for completing
recommended age and gender screenings.
Age and Gender Screening
If you are a… And have not had this In the
screening… last…
Female age 50-74 Mammogram 24 months You must
Female age 18-64 Pap smear 36 months complete all
Female age 60-74 Bone mineral density test 24 months applicable
Male or female Fecal occult test, or 12 months screening
age 50-75 Sigmoidoscopy, or 5 years categories to
(meet one Colonoscopy 10 years receive your
requirement) funding.
Smoker age 65+ Abdominal aortic One
aneurysm test needed
* Screening recommendations are from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
• Complete the Compass GetConnected! registration at Registering on the portal will
allow you to receive regular tips and suggestions from our
MyHealth Pros on how to save money and get the most from
your benefits. You can also track the status of your MyHealth
activities on the portal. The GetConnected! registration
is a one-time-ever activity: If you already completed the
registration, you have already received your one-time
registration funding.