Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2020
P. 18

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       adopted Data Gumbo’s GumboNet™ for smart   MOVES                         issues of several strategic acquisitions that
       contract deployment with its contract drilling                           were instrumental to the Company’s growth
       clients and equipment services ecosystem.   Lonestar Resources US        and profitability. We wish him all the best
       This is the oil and gas industry’s first use of                          in his future pursuits.” Additionally, Mr.
       blockchain-based smart contracts between   successfully completes        McKinney said, “I would like to thank Steve
       capital equipment sales, services, repair and                            Brooks for accepting this newly created and
       maintenance operations, and signals a new   restructuring                expansive role, and I look forward to his
       avenue in oilfield services tapping the power                            leadership helping me integrate and focus all
       of GumboNet.                        Lonestar Resources US today announced   disciplines of the Company on managing costs
         “We sought out Data Gumbo based on the   that effective November 30, 2020, the   and improving profitability.”
       transparency, accuracy, efficiency and trust   company has successfully completed its   RING ENERGY, November 30, 2020
       that their network will bring to our business’s   financial restructuring and emerged from
       ecosystem of sales, services and technicians   Chapter 11 bankruptcy, having satisfied all
       across drilling,” said Dan Henderson, Founder   of the conditions to the effectiveness of its   ENERGY TRANSITION
       and CEO of Henderson. “We’re excited   plan of reorganisation. Through its financial
       about this engagement and rolling out the   restructuring, Lonestar has eliminated   Occidental CEO Vicki Hollub
       technology across our partner and customer   approximately $390mn in aggregate debt
       base in 2021 and beyond, as well as joining   obligations and preferred equity interests.  on the company’s future
       a network that gives us access to a broader   Effective today, Lonestar has entered
       group of contractors.”              into a new $225mn first-out senior secured   as a “carbon management
         Henderson will use GumboNet smart   revolving credit facility and a $60mn second-
       contracts to create certainty in transactions   out senior secured term loan credit facility   company;” its strategy in
       from equipment services to commissioning   by amending and restating the company’s
       and installation, mitigating financial and   existing credit agreement. At closing, Lonestar   direct air capture of CO2;
       operations risk for both parties involved.   has $210mn outstanding on the revolver and a
       Drilling contractors and service providers will   post-emergence cash balance of approximately   expectations for more
       also utilize digital confirmation of completed   $20.7mn.
       work and shipped goods for improved   LONESTAR RESOURCES US, December 01,   industry consolidation and
       operational efficiency.             2020
         “Henderson is a perfect fit to leverage                                why it will be hard for US
       the benefits of our smart contracts across   Ring Energy announces
       their business, and we look forward to                                   oil output to return to pre-
       helping create trust in transactions, capture   executive management
       value leakage for counterparties, and enable                             pandemic highs
       seamless business services,” said Andrew   changes
       Bruce, CEO, Data Gumbo. “The network will                                Occidental President and CEO Vicki
       enable their partners and customers to agree   Ring Energy announced today executive   Hollub says that “there has to be a lot more
       faster on terms, service more efficiently and   management changes effective November   consolidation” among US upstream producers
       reduce risk in transactions.”       30, 2020. Ring Energy has announced the   as industry seeks to restore the economies of
         GumboNet integrates specific transactional   promotion of Mr. Stephen D. Brooks to   scale necessary for shale developments in the
       data with automated smart contracts powered   executive vice president of land, legal, human   latest edition CERAWeek Conversations. The
       by blockchain technology as a network of   resources and marketing. He will report   market downturn combined with the global
       companies, customers, suppliers and vendors.  directly to Paul D. McKinney, chief executive   pandemic brought the “industry to its knees,”
         By providing a single immutable record   officer and chairman of the board. In this   she says, and a renewed focus on full-cycle
       of truth, GumboNet synchronises data   new position, Mr. Brooks will be assuming   returns will make it difficult for US oil output
       across counterparties for transparency that   roles previously held by Mr. Matt Garner, who   to return to its pre-COVID levels.
       frees up working capital, reduces contract   joined Ring Energy in 2016 and has served   In a conversation with Daniel Yergin,
       leakage, enables real-time cash and financial   as general counsel and vice president of land   vice chairman, IHS Markit, Hollub discusses
       management, and delivers provenance.   for the company. Following the conclusion of   Occidental’s new model for shale projects,
       Company, commodity and ticketing    a transition period, Mr. Garner will remain   public concerns and misconceptions over
       systems agnostic, Data Gumbo stores   in Austin, Texas, where he intends to explore   hydraulic fracturing, the company’s major
       all data directly on its network with full   new professional opportunities.  investments in enhanced oil recovery and
       auditable records for a modern process that   Paul D. McKinney, chief executive officer   direct air capture and how those technological
       creates touchless transactions and crushes   and chairman of the board, commented:   processes are transitioning Occidental towards
       transactional waste.                “I would like to thank Matt Garner for his   a future as a “carbon management company.”
       DATA GUMBO, December 02, 2020       commitment and contribution to the Ring   IHS MARKIT, December 02, 2020
                                           Energy Team since joining in 2016. During
                                           this time, Matt oversaw the land and legal

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   03•December•2020
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