Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2020
P. 17

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       DOWNSTREAM                          world-scale integrated cracker complex.  automates procurement processes, enables
                                              This transaction is a significant step for   touchless invoicing and improves data
       LyondellBasell and Sasol            Sasol in achieving its financial and strategic   accuracy; improve process efficiencies and
                                                                                increase productivity, enabling more focus on
                                           objectives toward creating Future Sasol,
       complete Louisiana joint            which will be a more sustainable and resilient   strategic activities and the ability to scale at
                                                                                lower incremental cost.
                                           business for the long-term.
       venture transaction                 LYONDELLBASELL AND SASOL, December 02,   improve service levels and business outcomes
                                                                                  “This transformation allows Halliburton to
       LyondellBasell, one of the largest plastics,                             by optimising our investments across supply
       chemicals and refining companies in the                                  chain and manufacturing infrastructure,” said
       world, and Sasol, a global integrated chemicals  SERVICES                Lawrence Pope, Halliburton executive vice
       and energy company, today announced the                                  president of administration and chief human
       closing of their Louisiana-based integrated   Halliburton teams with     resources officer.
       polyethylene joint venture (JV) transaction                                Accenture will leverage its SynOps
       following required regulatory and shareholder   Accenture to accelerate   platform to accelerate Halliburton’s digital
       approvals. The 50:50 JV includes a 1.5mn ton                             transformation across its supply chain
       ethane cracker, 0.9mn ton low-density and   digital supply chain         and manufacturing functions. Accenture
       linear-low density polyethylene plants, and                              will augment its unique capabilities with
       associated infrastructure near Lake Charles,   transformation            Halliburton’s existing technologies to provide
       LA, and will toll manufacture the products on                            teams with more advanced tools to do their
       behalf of the two shareholders.     Halliburton and Accenture today announced   work, enhancing real-time decision-making
         Under the terms of the transaction   they have teamed to accelerate Halliburton’s   and actionable insights across supplier
       agreements, LyondellBasell will operate the   digital supply chain transformation and   performance, demand planning, logistics and
       three assets on behalf of the JV and market   support digitalisation within the company’s   inventory management.
       the polyethylene products on behalf of the   manufacturing function.       “Halliburton’s strong digital foundation
       two shareholders of the JV. Approximately 400   Beginning in 2021, Halliburton will launch   is critical to making its supply chain and
       Sasol Lake Charles employees who directly   a new global hub-and-spoke supply chain and   manufacturing functions more responsive,
       support the JV assets are now employees of   manufacturing service model supported by   resilient and able to adapt to changing market
       LyondellBasell.                     new technologies. This new delivery platform   needs,” said Manish Sharma, group chief
         “The formation of this JV is part of our   will apply advanced analytics and enhanced   executive of Accenture Operations. “We are
       approach to growing our core businesses   business intelligence tools for its support   proud to help Halliburton accelerate this
       while positioning the company to benefit from  teams to improve service levels and unlock   transformational change to better position it
       improving economic conditions,” said Bob   operational benefits. This transformation   for the future.”
       Patel, CEO of LyondellBasell. “We believe our   further supports Halliburton’s strategic   HALLIBURTON AND ACCENTURE, December
       ability to operate efficiently and serve growing   priority to accelerate digital deployment and   02, 2020
       markets will create exceptional long-term   integration across the value chain, driving
       value for our shareholders of both companies.   better service for its customers and returns for   Henderson implements Data
       We welcome our new JV employees to the   its shareholders.
       LyondellBasell family.”                Accenture will work with Halliburton to:   Gumbo smart contracts
         “This transaction accelerates the   create real-time supply chain visibility and
       transformation of our chemicals business   actionable insights using artificial intelligence   Data Gumbo, the trusted industrial
       toward a focus on specialty chemicals,” said   and analytics, enabling greater transparency   blockchain network, today announced that
       Fleetwood Grobler, Sasol president and   and faster decision-making; accelerate the   Henderson, a leader in the sales and services
       chief executive officer. “We’re proud of the   deployment of new, scalable technology that   for drilling rigs and capital equipment, has
       world-scale assets we’ve built in Southwest
       Louisiana and look forward to working with
       LyondellBasell to realise their full potential
       and create value for all our stakeholders. We
       also extend our best wishes and gratitude
       to our colleagues who are transferring to
       LyondellBasell to operate the joint venture
         The formation of this JV with Sasol aligns
       with LyondellBasell’s strategy of investing in
       high-quality assets in growing markets or
       feedstock advantaged regions. In September
       2020, LyondellBasell established a 50/50
       JV with China’s Liaoning Bora Enterprise
       Group to start up and operate a new, large
       petrochemical complex in northeast China.
       Taken together, the Bora and Sasol JVs are
       equivalent to the full capacity and immediate
       financial benefits of a new and operational

       Week 48   03•December•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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