Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2020
P. 12

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Tellurian pulls Permian pipeline application

        TEXAS-LOUISIANA  LNG developer Tellurian has asked US federal  pipelines whose construction Tellurian previ-
                         energy regulators to withdraw its application to  ously said it would defer. The company’s original
                         build the Permian Global Access gas pipeline,  plan entailed four pipelines – Driftwood, Per-
                         which would connect to its proposed Driftwood  mian Global Access, Haynesville Global Access
                         LNG terminal in Louisiana.           and the Delhi Connector. However, it announced
                           The request was made in a December 1 filing  in a presentation in August that it was deferring
                         with the US Federal Energy Regulatory Com-  construction of the Permian Global Access and
                         mission (FERC), which came a day after Tellu-  Haynesville Global Access pipelines. The com-
                         rian announced that its president and CEO, Meg  pany did not mention the Delhi Connector in
                         Gentle, would leave the company.     the presentation, but other details implied that its
                           Tellurian said in the filing that “current mar-  new, scaled-back plan for the first phase of Drift-
                         ket conditions do not support the economic  wood LNG only involved the 4 bcf (113.3 mcm)
                         thresholds to pursue the [Permian Global  per day Driftwood pipeline, which has already
                         Access pipeline] further at this time”. It added,  been approved.
                         however, that it “continues to believe that in   Permian Global Access was estimated to cost
                         time the proposed project will provide signifi-  around $4.2bn to build, compared with about
                         cant benefits”. The company said it would hold  $2.3bn for Driftwood and roughly $1.4bn each
                         a new open season for the pipeline in the event  for the Haynesville Global Access and Delhi
                         that market conditions rebound and it looks as  Connector pipelines. Tellurian had initially esti-
                         though additional gas transportation capacity is  mated that Phase 1 of Driftwood LNG would
                         needed.                              cost $27.5bn to build, but said in August that the
                           Permian Global Access would have had the  pipeline deferrals and other optimisations would
                         capacity to carry up to 2bn cubic feet (56.6mn  result in a cost reduction of roughly 30%.
                         cubic metres) per day of gas from the Permian   Octávio Simões was appointed president and
                         Basin to the Louisiana Gulf Coast.   CEO of Tellurian on November 30, replacing
                           The withdrawal is not altogether surprising  Gentle. The reason for Gentle’s departure from
                         given that Permian Global Access is one of three  the company has not been disclosed.™


       Suncor raises spending,

       production guidance for 2021

        CANADA           CANADA’S Suncor Energy has released its  worth of debt in 2021, and that it would under-
                         capital expenditure and production guidance  take a CAD500mn share repurchase programme
                         for 2021. Like fellow major Canadian producer  over the 2021 fiscal year.
                         Imperial Oil, Suncor is cautiously planning to   “The decisions we made this year give us the
                         raise capex and production next year, assuming  ability to strengthen the balance sheet, increase
                         that benchmark US oil prices stay near their cur-  shareholder returns, and invest in our business
                         rent levels of around $45 per barrel.  to grow future free funds flow,” said Suncor’s
                           The company said it was targeting produc-  president and CEO, Mark Little.
                         tion of 740,000-780,000 barrels of oil equivalent   Analyst comments on the company’s guid-
                         per day (boepd) in 2021, and capex of CAD3.8-  ance suggest that it is in line with what they were
                         4.5bn ($3.0-3.5bn). This would mark an increase  expecting.
                         of around 9% on anticipated 2020 spending of   “Suncor almost broke even in the third quarter
                         CAD3.6-4.0bn ($2.8-3.1bn). The majority of the  of 2020, and now is getting ready to pay down a
                         company’s budget for next year – CAD2.9-3.4bn  portion of the debt it took on to navigate the cri-
                         ($2.3-2.6bn) – will be allocated to sustaining  sis,” said a Credit Suisse analyst, Manav Gupta. He
                         capital, which it said includes in situ well pads.  noted that Suncor had cut capital and operating
                         Suncor anticipates carrying out major main-  spending earlier this year in response to the down-
                         tenance programmes next year at its oil sands  turn, and had lowered its dividend payments.
                         upgrading operations, at the Syncrude Canada   The fact that both Suncor and Imperial are
                         facilities that it is about to take operatorship of  beginning to ramp up production and spending
                         and at its refineries.               suggests a growing confidence that while the
                           The company also said it expected to repay  market will remain challenging into 2021, con-
                         CAD500mn ($389mn) to CAD1bn ($777mn)  ditions will also keep improving.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   03•December•2020
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