Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2020
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Shale producers pivot towards gas

       Certain major US shale producers are sharpening their focus on natural gas production

       on a stronger outlook for gas prices while the country’s oil industry remains under

       greater pressure

        US               US shale producers are reported to be turning  hold 21 trillion cubic feet (595bn cubic metres)
                         their attention to natural gas amid projections  of gas.
       WHAT:             that gas prices will rise higher than oil prices.   These gas wells, targeting the Eagle Ford and
       Several prolific shale   This comes as OPEC meets this week, amid jit-  Austin Chalk plays, are reported to be as prof-
       producers are paying   ters over the impact any rise in global production  itable as the company’s best oil wells. EOG had
       more attention to their   could have on crude prices.  drilled 17 wells in the Dorado play since the start
       gas assets.         Both US oil and gas rig counts have been ris-  of 2019, and plans to continue its activity in the
                         ing over recent weeks after bottoming out over  region. In its third-quarter earnings release, the
       WHY:              the summer. Country-wide gas rig counts are up  company talked up its Eagle Ford and Austin
       The outlook for gas prices   13% since July, and over that period the number  Chalk properties, noting that rates of return
       over the coming year is   of active rigs has increased 25% in the Haynes-  there were supported by “low cash operating
       stronger than that for oil.  ville shale and 8% in the Marcellus – both gas  costs and proximity to several natural gas mar-
                         plays.                               kets with options for LNG and pipeline export
       WHAT NEXT:          Associated gas production also continues  pricing”.
       Even if oil prices rise,   to come from regions rich in both oil and gas   Also in November, Apache said it intended
       shale producers are   – notably the Permian Basin in Texas and New  to complete three Texas wells after boosting its
       expected to keep acting   Mexico, as well as North Dakota’s Bakken play.  third-quarter US gas production by 15% over
       with restraint in terms of   In particular, Permian Basin rig counts are up  the second quarter and 6% over the same period
       their crude production.  to 160 from a low of 116 in August. Production  of 2019. And Continental Resources recently
                         in such regions will continue to focus on oil and  shifted drilling rigs to gas from oil in Oklahoma.
                         will be influenced by crude price movements,
                         but will keep contributing to overall US gas pro-  Price boost
                         duction. However, various producers with both  Part of the reason US gas prices are improv-
                         oil and gas acreage are showing signs of pivoting  ing is that associated production of natural gas
                         to gas production.                   from oil-rich regions has fallen as shale drillers
                                                              scaled back activity earlier this year. Indeed, this
                         Oil to gas                           trend persists, with the US Energy Information
                         In November, EOG Resources, the US’ largest  Administration (EIA) projecting in mid-No-
                         independent shale producer by market value,  vember that nationwide gas production would
                         said that it would start selling gas from a handful  fall again in both November and December.
                         of new wells next year from its newly discovered   Across the leading shale regions, the agency
                         Dorado field in Texas. The find is estimated to  anticipates both oil and gas output largely

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