Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2020
P. 11

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       Fight over Enbridge’s Line 5 intensifies as

       Line 3 replacement receives final permit

        NORTH AMERICA    THE fight over Enbridge’s Line 5 has intensified
                         in recent weeks, as Michigan Governor Gretchen
                         Whitmer ordered the company to shut down the
                         pipeline. Last week, Enbridge filed a legal chal-
                         lenge against the shutdown order, accusing the
                         state of overstepping its bounds.
                           And this week, local media reported that the
                         Michigan Department of Environment, Great
                         Lakes and Energy (EGLE) was extending its
                         review of Enbridge’s permit applications to build
                         a utility tunnel and house a new section of Line 5
                         under the Straits of Mackinac. The department
                         is now planning to issue a decision in January  participation and state agency input related to
                         2021.                                these permit applications, we thought it reason-
                           On November 13, Whitmer’s office and the  able to request an extension from the applicant
                         Michigan Department of Natural Resources  and they agreed,” an EGLE spokesman, Scott
                         (DNR) revoked an easement granted to  Dean, told local media this week.
                         Enbridge in 1953 allowing the company to oper-  The EGLE is debating whether to grant a
                         ate the twin section of Line 5 in the Straits of  National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
                         Mackinac. They cited repeated violations of the  System Wastewater permit, which would
                         easement, as well as the need to protect the Great  be required for construction of the tunnel.
                         Lakes, and ordered Enbridge to cease operation  Enbridge has also requested a permit from the
                         in the Straits by May 2021. On November 24,  department involving the impact on potential
                         Enbridge launched its legal challenge against  wetlands. The company needs to obtain numer-
                         the order, arguing that Line 5 was under the sole  ous other permits before the project can go
                         regulatory jurisdiction of the US Pipeline and  ahead, including approval to “site” the pipeline
                         Hazardous Materials Safety Administration  from the Michigan Public Service Commission
                         (PHMSA).                             (MPSC). A decision on that permit is expected
                           “This is the latest attempt by the state of Mich-  in the summer of 2021.
                         igan to interfere with the operation of this criti-
                         cal infrastructure by assuming authority it does  Line 3 news
                         not possess,” the company said in a statement.  In separate – and better – news for Enbridge, reg-
                           In an effort to emphasise that it believes this  ulators in Minnesota have issued the final permit
                         should be a federal matter, Enbridge filed its case  required for the Line 3 replacement to cross the
                         in US District Court in Grand Rapids, Michi-  northern part of the state. Construction there
         Enbridge is in   gan, also submitting a notice seeking to transfer  can now begin on the long-delayed replacement
                         the state’s lawsuit to the federal court.
        the process of     Whitmer’s office has argued that the 1953   On November 30, it was reported that the
       seeking state and   easement was wrongly granted, and has raised  Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
                                                              had granted a construction storm water permit
                         concerns over the safety of the underwater sec-
        federal permits   tion of the pipeline, which carries oil and natural  for the project, which was the last hurdle that
                         gas liquids (NGLs) from Wisconsin to Ontario.  Enbridge needed to clear for the project to go
         for the Line 5   Enbridge, for its part, contends that the twin  ahead. This comes after years of reviews and
                         pipes in the Straits are in good condition and  court battles on replacing Line 3, which car-
            tunnel.      have never leaked. Nonetheless, the company  ries oil from Alberta to the US, crossing North
                         is seeking to run a new section of the pipeline  Dakota and Minnesota before terminating in
                         through a tunnel that would be built beneath the  Wisconsin.
                         bottom of the lake.                   The US Army Corps of Engineers and the
                           Enbridge is in the process of seeking state  Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC)
                         and federal permits for the Line 5 tunnel, but  granted their final approvals for the project last
                         the project has proved controversial, attracting  week.
                         local and environmental opposition even as it   Enbridge had notified landowners along
                         has drawn support from labour and industry  the route via letters earlier in November that it
                         groups. This process is now being drawn out,  expected construction to start around Novem-
                         with the EGLE saying this week that it needs  ber 30. It had previously said it anticipated the
                         to review around 3,200 public comments it  work taking about nine months. Work on the
                         received on the application.         pipeline in Canada, North Dakota and Wiscon-
                           “Given the significant amount of public   sin is already complete.™

       Week 48   03•December•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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