Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2020
P. 15

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

                                           Sale of Cenovus’s                    Roszell, Headwater’s chairman and chief
       UPSTREAM                                                                 stage of our corporate evolution,” said Neil
       Imperial provides update on  Marten Hills oil assets to                  executive officer. “With Cenovus as a strategic
                                                                                investor and Kam and Sarah adding to the
       unconventional portfolio            Headwater Exploration                skills and experience of our already strong
                                                                                board, we are well-positioned for success as a
       Following annual review of its company   closes                          premier publicly traded oil and gas producer
       business and strategic plan, Imperial (TSE:                              focused on asset quality, corporate level
       IMO, NYSE American: IMO) has re-assessed   Cenovus Energy and Headwater Exploration   returns and sustainability while maintaining a
       the long-term development plans of its   are pleased to announce the closing of the   pristine balance sheet.”
       unconventional portfolio in Alberta, Canada   acquisition by Headwater of Cenovus’s assets   “We look forward to working with
       and no longer plans to develop a significant   in the Marten Hills area of Alberta. Pursuant   Headwater’s highly respected management
       portion of this portfolio. The decision not to   to the transaction, Headwater acquired a   team as they begin to develop these top-
       develop these assets will result in a non-cash,   100% working interest in approximately   quality oil assets at Marten Hills,” said
       after-tax charge of approximately CAD0.9-  2,800 barrels per day of medium gravity oil   Sandhar. “This is a unique opportunity to
       1.2bn in the company’s fourth-quarter 2020   production and 270 net sections of Clearwater   get capital and expertise to work right away
       results.                            rights.                              on a promising portfolio that was unlikely
         These non-core assets are non-producing,   The total consideration paid by Headwater   to receive near-term funding from Cenovus,
       undeveloped assets and the company does not   to Cenovus for the transaction consists of:   and we believe the closing of this transaction
       expect any material future cash expenditures   CAD35mn in cash; 50mn common shares   will provide compelling long-term value for
       related to this impairment. Not included in   of Headwater; and 15mn purchase warrants   Cenovus shareholders.”
       this impairment are the high-value, liquids-  exercisable at CAD2.00 per common share   CENOVUS ENERGY AND HEADWATER
       rich portion of the company’s unconventional   with a three-year term.   EXPLORATION, December 2, 2020
       asset portfolio, which the company still plans   Concurrent with closing the transaction,
       to develop.                         Kam Sandhar, Cenovus’s Senior Vice-  SandRidge Energy
         This decision is consistent with Imperial’s   President, Conventional, and Sarah Walters,
       strategy of focusing its upstream resources   Cenovus’s Senior Vice-President, Corporate   announces closing of new
       and efforts on its key oil sands assets as well   Services, were appointed to the Board of
       as on only the most attractive portions of   Directors of Headwater.     credit facility
       its unconventional portfolio. As such, the   “With the strong support received from
       decision will not impact previously provided   Cenovus, the Headwater team has been able   SandRidge Energy today announced the
       production estimates.               to prepare for an active 2021 development   closing of a $30mn credit facility.
       IMPERIAL OIL, November 30, 2020     programme. The unique high-return assets   The new credit facility is with affiliates of
                                           acquired will provide the catalyst for the next   Icahn Enterprises, and consists of a $10mn
                                                                                revolving loan facility and a $20mn term loan
                                                                                  The new credit facility replaced the
                                                                                company’s prior credit agreement which
                                                                                was with a lending syndicate led by Royal
                                                                                Bank of Canada. The prior credit facility was
                                                                                terminated effective November 30, 2020 and
                                                                                otherwise would have matured on April 1,
                                                                                  The new credit facility will charge the same
                                                                                interest rate as the previous facility, however,
                                                                                unlike the old facility it will have no scheduled
                                                                                borrowing base redeterminations and no
                                                                                longer charge a commitment fee.
                                                                                  The new credit facility matures on
                                                                                November 30, 2023. The company has the
                                                                                right to prepay loans under the New Credit
                                                                                Facility at any time without a prepayment
                                                                                penalty, other than customary “breakage”
                                                                                costs with respect to LIBOR loans.
                                                                                  The company’s Form 8-K filed on
                                                                                November 30, 2020 provides further details
                                                                                on and includes the full new credit facility
                                                                                agreement as an exhibit.
                                                                                  Carl Giesler, SandRidge’s president and
                                                                                CEO, commented, “We appreciate Icahn
                                                                                Enterprises and its affiliates working with us
                                                                                to put this facility in place. It substantially

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