Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2020
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  LNG exports are helping
                                                                                                  to support US gas

                         continuing to decline, with the Appalachia  rise for crude prices, projecting that West Texas
                         and Haynesville regions the only exceptions.  Intermediate (WTI) will average $44.24 per bar-
                         The increases it projects are slight, though. In  rel in 2021, up from a forecast $38.24 per barrel
                         Appalachia, a rise of 27,000 cubic feet (765 cubic  in 2020, but still below the $56.99 per barrel aver-
                         metres) per day compared with November is  age it reached in 2019.
                         forecast for December, and in the Haynesville,   This comes as OPEC met this week and
                         the EIA anticipates that production will climb  opted not to delay a planned increase in pro-
                         by 2,000 cubic feet (57 cubic metres). Appala-  duction despite the global recovery remaining
                         chia – which contains the Marcellus and Utica  fragile. This time, the cartel is not thought to
                         shale plays – and the Haynesville are the only  consider US shale to be a threat, marking a
                         regions where the EIA expects oil production to  change from recent years.
                         go up or stay flat rather than falling. However,   “In the future, certainly we believe OPEC will
                         given that these are overwhelmingly gas-pro-  be the swing producer – really, totally in con-
                         ducing regions, these do not present a mean-  trol of oil prices,” EOG’s CEO, Bill Thomas, said
                         ingful illustration of oil output trends.  last month. “We don’t want to put OPEC in a
                           Separately, the EIA’s data show that Henry  situation where they feel threatened, like we’re
                         Hub gas prices have recovered slightly towards  taking market share while they’re propping up
                         the end of 2020, having fallen to an average of  oil prices.”              The EIA’s data
                         $1.63 per million British thermal units ($45.09   Other major shale producers have ech-
                         per 1,000 cubic metres) in June. The Henry Hub  oed this cautious approach and it appears   show that Henry
                         price averaged $2.61 per mmBtu ($72.19 per  that even if prices rise, they will not rush to   Hub gas prices
                         1,000 cubic metres) in November, and the EIA  boost output, especially as they remain under
                         projects in its Short-Term Energy Outlook that  pressure to demonstrate fiscal restraint to   have recovered
                         this will rise to $3.42 per mmBtu ($94.60 per  shareholders.
                         1,000 cubic metres) in January 2021.  “I see no more growth until 2022, 2023, and it  slightly towards
                           This will coincide with demand going up as  will be very, very light in regard to the US shale
                         a result of the winter heating season, but the  industry ever growing again,” Pioneer Natural   the end of 2020.
                         agency also expects that Henry Hub prices will  Resources’ CEO, Scott Sheffield, told Bloomberg
                         remain above $3.00 per mmBtu ($82.98 per  recently.
                         1,000 cubic metres) over the whole of 2021. It   But with the outlook for gas prices and
                         forecasts that they will average $3.14 per mmBtu  exports improving, it is not surprising that
                         ($86.85 per 1,000 cubic metres) for the year,  tight oil producers are sharpening their focus
                         compared with a projected average of $2.14 per  on those gas opportunities that are availa-
                         mmBtu ($59.19 per 1,000 cubic metres) in 2020.  ble to them. Not all will have high-quality gas
                         Rising LNG exports are also anticipated to help  acreage, but in the short term it appears likely
                         prop up gas prices.                  that those that do will pay more attention to it.
                                                              Fourth-quarter results announcements are still
                         What next?                           around two months away, but can be expected to
                         Meanwhile, the EIA is predicting only a modest  provide further evidence of this trend.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   03•December•2020
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