Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2020
P. 13

NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       ExxonMobil cuts capex amid

       $17-20bn write-down

        AMERICAS         EXXONMOBIL  unveiled reduced capital  back and focusing on its most profitable assets
                         expenditure plans for the coming years this week,  will help its earnings in the longer term – and
                         as it warned of write-downs worth $17-20bn on  its statement emphasised a commitment to its
                         assets across the Americas in its fourth-quarter  dividend, which it has sought to protect even
                         earnings.                            as rivals have slashed theirs. Indeed, it is pro-
                           The write-downs relate to certain dry gas  jecting that it will double its earnings by 2027,
                         assets in Western Canada, the US and Argen-  based on the same price and margin assump-
                         tina, the super-major said in a November 30  tions it used in its 2020 Investor Day presenta-
                         statement. The US assets in questions are located  tion in March.
                         across the Appalachian Basin and Rocky Moun-  “Continued emphasis on high-grading the
                         tain regions, as well as Oklahoma, Texas, Louisi-  asset base – through exploration, divestment
                         ana and Arkansas. All of these assets, nationally  and prioritisation of advantaged development
                         and internationally, will be removed from the  opportunities – will improve earnings power
                         company’s development plan as it prioritises  and cash generation, and rebuild balance sheet
                         “advantaged” properties with the highest poten-  capacity to manage future commodity price
                         tial future value.                   cycles while working to maintain a reliable divi-
                           ExxonMobil identified developments in  dend,” stated ExxonMobil’s chairman and CEO,
                         Guyana, the US’ Permian Basin, Brazil and in its  Darren Woods.
                         chemicals business as being among these advan-  ExxonMobil noted that it was on track to
                         taged assets.                        exceed announced reductions of $10bn in
                           The super-major will now spend $16-19bn in  2020, or 30% of capital spending and 15% of
                         2021, and subsequently aims to raise its capex to  cash operating expenses. It said business line
                         $20-25bn per year in each year between 2022 and  reorganisations and efficiencies that included a
                         2025. This is down from an original capex budget  global workforce reduction of 15% by the end of
                         of $30-35bn per year.                2021 were key to its ongoing expense manage-
                           Ultimately the company hopes that scaling  ment efforts.™

       Maverick acquires FourPoint in all-equity deal

        TEXAS-           MAVERICK Natural Resources announced this  “Maverick’s transformation process allows us to
        OKLAHOMA         week that it had acquired FourPoint Energy, the  rapidly deploy technology and analytics to drive
                         largest producer in the Western Anadarko Basin,  reductions in [general and administrative] and
                         spanning Oklahoma and Texas. Both Maverick  lease operating expense. By renaming FourPoint
                         and FourPoint are majority-controlled by EIG  Energy to Unbridled Resources, we are signal-
                         Global Energy Partners, according to a Decem-  ling a shift from the traditional shale model to
                         ber 2 statement.                     Maverick’s margin-focused operational strat-
                           Maverick announced that following the  egy,” he added.
                         all-equity deal, FourPoint had become a wholly   “These assets add to Maverick’s substantial
                         owned subsidiary of Maverick and was renamed  portfolio of long-lived assets,” Heinson contin-
                         Unbridled Resources.                 ued. “Further, the all-equity transaction ensures
                           The assets owned by what is now Unbri-  the combined company will retain a healthy
                         dled include 50,000 barrels of oil equivalent  financial position with a 2020 pro forma debt to
                         per day (boepd) on a net basis, with liquids  Ebitda ratio of approximately 0.5x.”
                         comprising 47% of output, in Western Okla-  Maverick noted that as part of the merger,
                         homa and Northern Texas. The Unbridled  EIG is adjusting the board composition to sup-
                         position spans 700,000 acres (2,833 square  port the “increased scale of the company and
                         km) across the core of the Granite Wash and  the plans for continued growth and strategic
                         Cleveland Sand plays.                development”.
                           The acquisition also included MidPoint Mid-  The deal comes as a wave of consolidation
                         stream and Wheeler Midstream, which provide  picks up pace in the US oil and gas industry,
                         midstream services in the Western Anadarko  spurred by this year’s downturn as companies
                         Basin, according to the statement.   consider their options for survival. All-equity
                           “Over the last several years, Maverick has  transactions are increasingly in favour, as pro-
                         become a leader in reducing costs in mature  ducers seek to add scale without accruing signif-
                         assets,” said Maverick’s CEO, Chris Heinson.  icant debt to make acquisitions.™

       Week 48   03•December•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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