Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2020
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                about two percent of PG&E’s total storage
                                                                                inventory capacity.1 A successful sale will
                                                                                allow ratepayers to avoid decommissioning
                                                                                and remediation costs.
                                                                                PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY,
                                                                                December 01, 2020
                                                                                Humble Midstream secures
                                                                                initial $300mn capital

                                                                                commitment from EnCap

       extends our liquidity runway on more efficient  supplying the world with affordable and   Flatrock Midstream
       pricing and other terms than we believe we   reliable energy. As a company we are
       could achieve in the current oil & gas reserve-  committed to pursuing emissions reduction   Humble Midstream today announced it has
       based lending market. It also underscores   initiatives across our businesses. We assess   secured an initial capital commitment of
       the benefit of having Icahn Enterprises as a   opportunities and employ new practices that   $300mn from EnCap Flatrock Midstream.
       supportive major shareholder.”      can lower our emissions footprint, including   Based in Denver and formed in mid-2020,
       SANDRIDGE ENERGY, November 30, 2020  investing in co-generation facilities. We   Humble Midstream is an independent energy
                                           recently completed the construction of a co-  company focused on acquiring and building
                                           generation facility at our Redwater complex,   midstream assets in conventional and
       MIDSTREAM                           which will reduce our emissions intensity, and   unconventional plays across North America.
                                           are evaluating similar opportunities at other   Its goal is to create value by improving
       Pembina Pipeline                    locations.                           efficiencies and expanding the customer
                                              We have also launched a process to
                                                                                base of acquired businesses and/or building
       Corporation releases 2020           enhance ESG integration across the company,   competitive new assets that serve the needs of
                                                                                the North American energy market.
                                           including establishing a governance
       sustainability report               framework to develop a longer-term GHG   Steve Huckaby, a 38-year veteran of the
                                                                                  Humble is led by Chief Executive Officer
                                           strategy and emissions intensity reduction
       Pembina Pipeline Corporation today released   targets. Our targets will guide business   midstream industry. “EnCap Flatrock
       its 2020 sustainability report. This marks   decisions, drive emissions reductions   Midstream is the nation’s premier provider of
       our second full-length report outlining the   and improve overall emissions intensity   midstream growth capital and a firm that for
       company’s approach, recent performance and   performance, while increasing our long-  the past decade has demonstrated its ability
       our future initiatives for environmental, social   term value and resilience. Finally, we believe   to be successful in changing markets. We are
       and governance (ESG) factors that are most   that linking compensation to corporate   excited to partner with EnCap Flatrock to
       material to our stakeholders and business. The   performance on these important factors   create a company that provides innovative
       2020 report details the company’s progress   aligns with long-term value creation and   midstream solutions that are safe, reliable,
       since 2018 and further establishes Pembina’s   our stakeholders’ interests.  As such, we are   flexible and environmentally responsible,”
       commitment to continuous improvement in   focused on redesigning our compensation   Huckaby said.
       this area through the inclusion of enhanced   methodologies for 2021 with ESG   “We arrived at the decision to back the
       disclosures on additional metrics.  performance as a significant component.  Humble team based on a combination of
         “As we continue our ESG journey,   PEMBINA PIPELINE CORPORATION, December   factors,” said EnCap Flatrock Managing
       our focus will remain on continuous   03, 2020                           Director Tommy Waldrip, who is also a
       improvement, transparency and engagement.                                member of the Humble Midstream board
       Building upon our strong foundation, we   PG&E seeks buyers for its      of directors. “We first partnered with Steve
       will seek to further integrate sustainable                               Huckaby in 2009 when we formed Meritage
       business practices throughout the company”,   Pleasant Creek natural gas   Midstream I together and believe he is one
       said Mick Dilger, Pembina’s president and                                of the best leaders in midstream. He has
       chief executive officer. “Today, I am pleased   storage field located in Yolo   built and been at the helm of four successful
       to announce the addition of Janet Loduca,                                midstream companies, served in leadership
       who has joined Pembina as general counsel   County                       positions at many others and has an excellent
       and vice president, legal and sustainability.                            reputation across the energy industry. At
       With over 30 years of legal, environmental,   Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)   Humble, he’s put together and continues to
       regulatory and sustainability experience,   announced today that it plans to sell   build a highly experienced management team
       Janet will be instrumental in advancing our   its Pleasant Creek natural gas storage   composed of executives with successful track
       ESG priorities and developing a long-term   field, located in Yolo County, Calif. The   records and complementary skill sets. Finally,
       sustainability strategy”, added Mr. Dilger.  Pleasant Creek field is the smallest of four   the Humble team shares our values and looks
         Pembina recognises the growing risks   underground natural gas storage fields owned   at the midstream opportunity set in a fresh
       and opportunities of climate change and   wholly or partly by PG&E. With a natural   way that aligns with the market.”
       the role our industry must play in reducing   gas inventory capacity of 2.3bn cubic feet   HUMBLE MIDSTREAM, December 01, 2020
       greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while   (bcf), the Pleasant Creek field accounts for

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   03•December•2020
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