Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2020
P. 14

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Sempra to combine US,

       Mexican LNG subsidiaries

        US-MEXICO        CALIFORNIA-BASED Sempra Energy has  which involves a liquefaction terminal in Mexico
                         announced this week that it is simplifying its  that will use US gas as feedstock. The project is
                         energy infrastructure business – a plan that  being developed by a joint venture between Sem-
                         entails combining its two LNG subsidiaries into  pra LNG and IEnova. In the US, Sempra LNG
                         a single unit.                       operates the Cameron LNG terminal in Louisi-
                           Under the plan, US subsidiary Sempra LNG  ana and is proposing to build Port Arthur LNG
                         and Mexico’s Infraestructura Energética Nova  facility in Texas.
                         (IEnova) will be unified into Sempra Infrastruc-  Subject to receiving all the necessary author-
                         ture Partners after the parent company acquires  isations, Sempra anticipates completing its
       Sempra made a final   the 29.8% of the IEnova shares it does not own.  acquisition of IEnova shares by the end of the
       investment decision in   The deal values IEnova at $6.13bn.  first quarter of 2021. It also said it intends to
       mid-November on the   The creation of the new unit is intended to  sell a non-controlling interest in Sempra Infra-
       Energía Costa Azul LNG   simplify and add scale to Sempra’s North Amer-  structure Partners in order to fund the entity’s
       export project.   ican infrastructure business, the company said  growth, which is expected to be geared towards
                         in a December 2 statement. Sempra Infrastruc-  the energy transition.
                         ture Partners will focus on the development of   “By focusing on the critical need for new
                         North American LNG export infrastructure, as  energy infrastructure right here in North
                         well as natural gas infrastructure and renewable  America, both Sempra LNG and IEnova have
                         energy generation. Its LNG portfolio will consist  created a significant pipeline of development
                         of roughly 45mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG  projects that are expected to provide differen-
                         export capacity in development, construction  tiated growth for decades to come,” Sempra’s
                         or operation on the North American Pacific and  chairman and CEO, Jeffrey Martin, said. “More
                         Gulf Coasts, the parent company added.  importantly, this will provide an improved plat-
                           This comes after Sempra made a final invest-  form for innovation and potential new invest-
                         ment decision (FID) in mid-November on the  ments in renewables, hydrogen, energy storage
                         Energía Costa Azul (ECA) LNG export project,  and carbon sequestration.”™

                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       Pioneer sets emissions reduction targets

        PERMIAN BASIN    PIONEER Natural Resources, one of the US’  Kenneth Thompson. “We are increasing the
                         largest independent shale producers, has  weighting of these metrics in executive incentive
                         unveiled new targets for reducing its green-  compensation from 10% to 20% beginning in
                         house gas (GHG) emissions. On December 2,  2021 and [are continuing] to enhance board gov-
                         the company published its 2020 sustainability  ernance on ESG and HSE initiatives to ensure
                         report, which set out these targets, among other  Pioneer’s leadership position continues into the
                         environmental, social and governance (ESG)  future,” he added.
                         initiatives.                           Pioneer has already had various sustainabil-
                           Dallas-based Pioneer is targeting a 25%  ity initiatives underway in recent years, includ-
                         reduction in GHG intensity and a 40% cut in  ing minimising its use of fresh water for oilfield
                         methane intensity by 2030, with this target inclu-  operations such as hydraulic fracturing. It has
                         sive of the operations the company will take on  been doing this by ramping up re-use of pro-
                         when it closes its acquisition of Parsley Energy  duced water and buying treated effluent water
                         in early 2021.                       from the cities of Midland and Odessa in Texas.
                           In addition, Pioneer has set a goal to limit its  After a new Midland water treatment facility
                         flaring intensity to less than 1% of the associated  comes online by the end of this year, Pioneer
                         natural gas it produces, with a plan to incorpo-  expects to reduce its freshwater use to below
                         rate Parsley’s assets into this target by 2022. In  20% in 2021, with further reductions targeted
                         the longer term, Pioneer is aiming to end routine  for subsequent years.
                         flaring by 2030, with “the aspiration” to achieve   The emissions reduction targets, meanwhile,
                         this by 2025.                        are a new initiative for the company, which will
                           “The board’s engagement in ESG and cli-  become the largest producer to focus exclusively
                         mate-related concerns is a top priority,” com-  on the Permian Basin once the Parsley acquisi-
                         mented Pioneer’s chairman of the board,  tion is complete.™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   03•December•2020
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