Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 39
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LatAmOil                                         MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

                                                CNOOC’s block is adjacent to several sites controlled by Pemex (Image: CNH)
                         The Chinese major hopes to find nearly 500mn   region just a few miles away from the US mari-
                         barrels of oil equivalent (boe) of prospective   time border in the Perdido fold belt. In 2019, the
                         resources in the Wilcox formation    Anglo-Dutch major Royal Dutch Shell made the
                           Some industry observers believe that if   Blacktip discovery on the US side, less than 160
                         these efforts are successful, Mexico’s national   km away. Blacktip was Shell’s second material
                         oil company (NOC) Pemex may seek to unitise   discovery in the area.
                         the project with its own efforts, as the reser-  Meanwhile, Pemex and Australia’s BHP Bil-
                         voirs identified by CNOOC extend beyond the   liton are also jointly developing Trion, a field
                         boundaries of the CNH-R01-L04-A1.CPP/2016   near CNOOC’s block that is estimated to con-
                         licence area. (Pemex has cited similar reasons as   tain 500mn boe. Trion was discovered in 2012
                         justification for initiating unitisation procedures   and is expected to begin production in the mid-
                         for two shallow-water blocks in the southern   2020s at the earliest. It lies about 150 km off the
                         Gulf of Mexico.)                     coast of Tamaulipas State and is only 6 km from
                           Ameyali is located in an ultra-deepwater   the maritime border with the US. ™

       Ecopetrol launches new bidding round

                         COLOMBIA’S national oil company (NOC)   bid for the right to develop (and also, in some
                         Ecopetrol confirmed on September 30 that it   cases, explore) these assets, with “the option
                         had begun a new round of auctions for nine   of an early incorporation of production and
                         upstream sites.                      reserves, in addition to primary and secondary
                           In a statement, the company reported it had   development options,” Ecopetrol said.
                         formally launched the Ronda Campos Ecopet-  The NOC further stated that it was offering
                         rol 2020 on September 23. It also said it would   its entire stake in all of the sites.
                         welcome offers from both “national and inter-
                         national companies wishing to strengthen their
                         position in Colombia or wanting to expand their
                         national operations.”
                           Registered and qualified firms will be able to
                         submit offers electronically during the fourth
                         quarter of 2020, the NOC added. “Companies
                         that meet the National Hydrocarbon Agency’s
                         current qualification requirements for this cate-
                         gory of assets may participate,” it stated.
                           The auctions will cover the Upía, La Punta
                         and Rancho Hermoso sites in the Llanos Basin,
                         as well as the Tenerife, San Luis and Lebrija sites
                         in the Middle Magdalena Basin and the Toy,
                         Totare and Andalucía sites in the Upper Mag-
                         dalena Basin. Potential partners will be able to      The auctions cover nine onshore fields (Image: Ecopetrol)

       Week 39   01•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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