Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 39
P. 14

LatAmOil                                        COLOMBIA                                            LatAmOil

                         “This asset divestment process is part of regular   Eventually, they may be capable of yielding
                         portfolio rotation activities and is aligned with   more than 3,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day
                         the principles of the Ecopetrol Group’s strategy:   (boepd).
                         strict capital discipline, cash protection, cost   Felipe Bayón Pardo, Ecopetrol’s CEO, com-
                         efficiency and profitable growth,” it said.  mented: “This Ronda offers other sector com-
                           The sites involved in the auctions are believed   panies access to assets with production and
                         to hold some 17mn barrels of oil equivalent   reserves development opportunities, and their
                         (boe) in 3P reserves, including 11mn boe in   investments will generate employment and con-
                         proven reserves. They may also contain 13mn   tribute towards reactivating the sector as well as
                         boe in contingent resource development oppor-  the regional and national economies. We there-
                         tunities, as well as another 35mn boe in pro-  fore invite the industry in general to actively par-
                         jected exploration potential.        ticipate in this process.” ™

       Ecuador lets private firms import, sell fuels

                         THE government of Ecuador has unveiled a   competition.
                         market-oriented reform programme that will   In line with this strategy, the government
                         allow privately owned companies to import and   will merge Petroecuador with Petroamazonas,
                         sell some fuels.                     another state-owned company. It is also on the
                           The measure, which effectively ends state-  lookout for a partner to facilitate the upgrade of
                         run Petroecuador’s monopoly over the sector,   Petroecuador’s Esmeraldas refinery. The Esmer-
                         states that private firms will be allowed to sell   aldas facility, with a capacity of 110,000 barrels
                         petroleum products for both industrial and   per day, is the largest of oil-processing plants in
                         commercial use, the Ministry of Energy and   Ecuador, ahead of the 45,000 bpd La Libertad
                         Non-Renewable Natural Resources said. It will   facility and the 20,000 bpd Shushufindi facility.
                         not affect sales of LPG designated for use in   These three refineries do not produce enough
                         homes, automobiles or the agricultural sector.  fuel to cover Ecuador’s domestic demand. Petro-
                           Rene Ortiz, the head of the ministry, said   ecuador has said it wants to build a fourth plant,
                         that the new policy would help reduce budget   the Pacific Refinery, in the western province
                         expenses. “[A] private company putting up the   of Manabi, but the project has stalled. If built,
                         money to import a product means the state can   the refinery will have a throughput capacity of
                         reduce the money it needs to have on hand to   300,000 bpd, large enough to satisfy domestic
                         bring these products,” he was quoted as saying   gasoline demand while also enabling exports to
                         by Reuters.                          neighbouring countries and Asia.
                           Ortiz also noted that private firms would   Equity in the Pacific Refinery project is split
                         have to pay a fee to Petroecuador to use its ports.  51% to Petroecuador and 49% to the Venezue-
                           Ecuador’s government depends heavily on   lan state-run oil company PdVSA. China has
                         oil revenues, as crude is the country’s biggest   pledged to finance part of the project, which was
                         export. The administration of the country’s cur-  originally slated for completion in 2016. How-
                         rent president, Lenin Moreno, has been imple-  ever, PdVSA’s involvement and US sanctions
                         menting a series of free-market reforms aimed   have left the government struggling to attract
                         at opening up the oil and gas sector to greater   sufficient investment. ™

                             The new policy will not affect sales of LPG for homes, automobiles or the farm sector (Photo: Ecuador Times)

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 39   01•October•2020
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