Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 39
P. 15

LatAmOil                                          PERU                                             LatAmOil

       PetroTal brings Bretaña field back online

                         CANADA’S PetroTal has resumed oil pro-  stipulating that the government will allocate
                         duction at the Bretaña site in Peru’s Loreto   $250mn for infrastructure projects, with $20mn
                         department.                          of the total going to the Loreto department.
                           In a statement dated September 30, PetroTal   “This decree expedites the procurement pro-
                         reported that the oilfield had come back online   cess to ensure all the allocated funds are properly
                         two days before. “[All] seven wells continue to   deployed to maximise employment throughout
                         be gradually brought into full operation,” it said.   all the communities,” PetrolTal noted.
                         Bretaña is now yielding about 11,000 barrels per   Manuel Pablo Zuniga-Pflucker, the compa-
                         day (bpd) of crude, “approaching the pre-shut-  ny’s president and CEO, expressed satisfaction
                         down level of 11,500 bpd,” it added.  with recent developments. “PetroTal commends
                           PetroTal is now in a position to recommence   the efforts of all parties in reaching a negotiated
                         shipments to the Iquitos oil refinery now that   settlement that will ultimately benefit the indig-
                         the field is in production again, the statement   enous communities, the Peruvian government
                         said. The company also expects to begin load-  and all operating companies, including Petro-
                         ing crude into the state-controlled Northern Oil   Tal,” he said. “On behalf of PetroTal, I would like
                         Pipeline (ONP) at the Saramuro pumping sta-  to sincerely thank the PetroTal team for their
                         tion once barges arrive at the site, it noted.  continued dedication during this period and
                           The company reported that the successful   for their contribution towards this long-term
                         restart had taken place after the Peruvian gov-  community funding solution. Our corporate
                         ernment had struck an agreement with indig-  commitment is to ensure all stakeholders ben-
                         enous communities on increased funding. This   efit from the Bretaña project, including the local
                         agreement, which aims to quell social unrest   communities that support our company.”
                         exacerbated  by  the  coronavirus  (COVID-  The Canadian company suspended produc-
                         19) pandemic, is spelled out in three separate   tion at Bretaña in early August, after indigenous
                         announcements.                       protestors forced the shutdown of the ONP
                           The first of these is a presidential decree that   pipeline and then entered a work camp near the
                         outlines plans for reducing income inequal-  oilfield. This move resulted in a clash between
                         ity in impoverished indigenous communities.   police and demonstrators that left three dead. ™
                         “PetroTal strongly supports this initiative, which
                         provides a six-year financial commitment of
                         approximately $1.7bn to support development
                         of the communities, of which $28mn will be
                         designated for economic development of the
                         local communities over the next four months,”
                         the statement said.
                           The second is a resolution from the prime
                         minister’s office that establishes a committee to
                         oversee state interventions in the Alto Amazo-
                         nas, Datem del Marañon, Loreto, Maynas and
                         Requena provinces of the Loreto department.
                         The committee will decide which projects are to
                         be funded under the presidential decree and will
                         appoint managers for these schemes.
                           The third is another presidential decree   Chief prosecutor Saab outlined charges against a US citizen (Photo: VTV)

       Guyana extends oil marketing tender

                         THE deadline for the submission of proposals   for COVID-19, according to the local daily
                         for marketing the Guyanese government’s share   Stabroek News.
                         of oil production has been extended to Septem-  “A decision has been taken, due to unfore-
                         ber 29, owing to complications related to the   seen circumstances, to extend the date of sub-
                         coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.     mission of the RFP [Request for Proposals],” the
                           The extension was granted last week after   Department of Energy said in an update on its
                         the National Procurement and Tender Admin-  Facebook page.
                         istration Board was forced to suspend its   Minister of Natural Resources Vickram
                         operations after staff members tested positive   Bharrat confirmed the delay.

       Week 39   01•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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