Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 39
P. 17

LatAmOil                                         BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

                         The news agency also noted that a company   focus on upstream operations in the deepwa-
                         based in the US state of Florida had also pleaded   ter pre-salt area. Last December, the firm said
                         guilty to bribery as a part of the Car Wash probe.   it hoped to sell off $20-30bn worth of assets in
                         The firm had been accused of making improper   the 2020-2024 period as part of this initiative. ™
                         payments to officials at Brazilian state-run oil
                         company Petrobras, it said.
                           Brazil’s ongoing Car Wash corruption
                         scandal, the country’s largest-ever corruption
                         investigation, entered its 74th phase earlier
                         this month with a probe into foreign-exchange
                         transactions carried out by Petrobras around a
                         decade ago. Federal police in Brazil issued 25
                         search warrants as part of the new probe and
                         Banco Paulista, a São Paulo-based financial
                         firm, is also being investigated.
                           Petrobras is trying to pay down debt and
                         recover from the Car Wash scandal, through a
                         strategy based on divesting non-core assets to   Vitol says it has anti-corruption policies in place (Photo: File)

       Echo Energy mulls micro-LNG

       project at Monte Aymond field

                         US-BASED Echo Energy is looking into the   Aymond in 1984. During initial testing, the well
                         possibility of launching a micro-LNG initiative   yielded 2.4mn cubic feet (67,960 cubic metres)
                         in Argentina.                        per day of gas and condensate. It then went into
                           In a statement, the company said it had   production for about 10 months, during which
                         begun work on a feasibility study for the com-  period output averaged around 5 mmcf (141,590
                         pression and liquefaction of natural gas from   cubic metres) per day but was abandoned.
                         Monte Aymond, a field within the Palermo Aike   Echo is now hoping to bring the field back
                         block in Santa Cruz Province. It indicated that   online. “Whilst this well was previously aban-
                         the project would involve the construction of a   doned, the company believes that the now
                         small-scale LNG plant at the field. Production   improved local infrastructure and prevailing gas
                         from this facility could be loaded onto trucks for   prices mean Monte Aymond is now an exciting
                         distribution within Argentina, it said.  commercial project,” the company said. ™
                           The scheme “would increase the company’s
                         ability to sell gas directly to clients in remote
                         areas via truck transportation (a virtual pipe-
                         line) with the potential to achieve materially
                         higher sales prices,” Echo said in its statement.
                           The company did not reveal how much the
                         micro-LNG initiative might cost or when it
                         expected to complete the feasibility study. But
                         it did say that it was looking at an alternative
                         plan for gas from Monte Aymond. Specifically,
                         it explained that it was considering a proposal
                         to establish a link between the field and Campo
                         Limite, another gas-producing site about 5 km
                           Campo Limite also lies within the Palermo
                         Aike licence area, Echo noted. As such, the
                         company could “[aggregate] the volumes of
                         Campo Limite and Monte Aymond via a hub
                         development approach to potentially lower
                         development costs and [to] increase the returns
                         from both projects and also a standalone devel-
                         opment,” the statement said.
                           Gas was originally discovered at Monte   Echo’s fields are in the Austral basin (Image: Echo Energy)

       Week 39   01•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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