Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 39
P. 16

LatAmOil                                          GUYANA                                            LatAmOil

                                               Guyana is seeking a marketing agent for its share of oil from Liza (Image: Hess)
                         “[The] tender board is closed due to COVID,” he   produce oil last December. Since the country
                         told Stabroek News last week. “A few staff mem-  has no refinery to process crude, it is seeking a
                         bers are positive.”                  marketing agent to facilitate exports.
                           In April, Guyana received a total of 34 bids   The winner of the bidding contest will be
                         for a new contract to market the government’s   expected to lift around five cargoes of around
                         share of crude oil. Some of the offers came from   1mn barrels each over a period of 12 months.
                         international majors, including the US giant   Potential agents must have at least five years of
                         ExxonMobil, which has pioneered deepwater   experience in oil marketing and trading.
                         exploration in the waters off Guyana; Royal   Guyana sold its first three 1mn barrel cargoes
                         Dutch Shell (UK/Netherlands); Total (France);   of oil with the help of Shell.
                         Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia); Lukoil (Russia)   All of the crude came from Liza, which is part
                         and Equinor (Norway). Also bidding were the   of the offshore Stabroek block. ExxonMobil is
                         Swiss-based commodity traders Gunvor, Glen-  developing Stabroek, which comprises more
                         core Mercuria and Vitol.             than 8bn barrels of oil in recoverable resources,
                           The government is entitled to a share of the   via a consortium that also includes China
                         oil produced at the offshore Liza well, where   National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) and the
                         a consortium led by ExxonMobil began to   US independent Hess. ™

       US prosecutors charge ex-Vitol employee

       in connection with Brazil’s Car Wash probe

                         US prosecutors have charged a former employee   contract, the report added.
                         of Vitol, a Swiss energy trading group, with brib-  The former Vitol employee, a Mexican citi-
                         ery as part of Brazil’s long-running Lava Jato   zen living in the US, has denied the allegations
                         (“Car Wash”) corruption investigation. This   through his attorney.
                         move marked the first time that an employee   Aguilar acted as the commodity firm’s chief
                         of a leading commodity trading house has been   negotiator for the contract, a source famil-
                         indicted in the probe, according to a Reuters   iar with the matter told Reuters last week. He
                         report.                              arranged contracts with intermediaries in the
                           Javier Aguilar, a former manager working   United States in order to win the deal, according
                         in Vitol’s Houston office, was charged late last   to the US Justice Department.
                         month with conspiracy and money laundering,   A spokeswoman for Vitol told Reuters that
                         Reuters stated.                      the Swiss firm has anti-bribery and corruption
                           Prosecutors accused him of conspiracy and   policies and controls in place.
                         money laundering in connection with the pay-  She also indicated that Vitol was aware of
                         ment of an $870,000 bribe to government offi-  the US charges and was co-operating with
                         cials in Ecuador in order to win a $300mn oil   authorities.

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 39   01•October•2020
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